How to lose belly fat and what to eat?

I know you can't target weight loss but what are some things I can eat to help me lose belly fat? I'm just starting out so if I walk for 5Mins then jog for 5 mins for a few weeks then build up would that help? I don't have money to join a gym but I do have a treadmill at my house. What's some ideas of food, snacks that I can eat? Thanks

How to Lose Weight on the Subway Diet

Recommended Answer:

saw this when i was surfing the net it helped me and guess it should help you too

Other Answers:

  • Try to reduce your meal taking especially carbohydrate.Take more vegetable or eat more fruits.And at the same time use your treadmil for 15 to 20 minutes a day to burn your calories.
  • oh you can't? hum, is that why i never had weight issues?'s called not eating processed about that!? yes, it's true!yes folks.. dairy is the biggest culprit when it comes to inflammatory about just stop eating processed foods all together? yes, 'fresh fruits 100% juices' you get at those stores.. are also is NOT that freaking HARD people!
  • I had the same problem too, with the belly fat. I lost most of it while i was on the Atkins program. I dodnt know if you had heard of it, But it works very well!! Im proof of that! also cardio 30 a day is key for belly fat as well. I also heard too that alvocado olive oil are good to get rid of belly fat or reduce belly fat. give Atkins a try, you have nothing to lose!
  • Exercise makes your body less likely to store fat in your belly. What you are doing sounds great. Just make sure to strength train too. You don't need a gym for this. You can do push-ups, crunches, squats, bicycles, and many other body weight exercises. To lose belt fat, you need to avoid refined/added sugars. Try snacking on fruits and eating whole grains. For protein, beams are best because they don't have fat, just protein. For fat, eat healthy fats such as avocado. Don't worry about cutting out carbs or fat and don't cut your calories too much. What works is eating the right foods.
  • go for boiled or just tossed in little oil vegetables with salt and pepper. have green tea or black coffee you can find natural products for weight lose
  • a good snack to eat is almonds and for dinner grilled chicken, brown rice and steamed broccoli.If you also want to use a supplement to help I saw this video on youtube about the green coffee bean and how it can help you lose weight. you can watch the video here:
  • You don't have to join a gym for that. When it comes to weight loss women definitely get the short end of the stick. It's definitely harder for women to lose weight. In fact, women have been hardwired to not lose weight.Women were built to accumulate as much fat as possible and to not lose those accumulations for childbirth, milk production, and child-rearing. There's 3 unknown reasons why women gain fat even while trying to lose fat. Well, I've got some great news for you. This one simple tip can instantly boost your fat loss. It's not some magical weight-loss pill or any of the other incredibly scammy weight-loss gimmicks that we see all over the internet these days. In fact, this is the key to actually being able to eat some bad foods and still burn fat. Read more on this page --->
  • Cut your meal size by drinking a cup of water before each meal. Eat slowly and enjoy your meal.Go jogging.Once your belly become smaller then you can start to do sit up exercise.It sounds really simple and it's that simple. But you need to be determined and motivated enough to succeed.
  • The post on dairy is absolutely correct. I used a good appetite suppressant and cut out meat and dairy, I feel wonderful. I got mine at
  • I think there's an easy way to lose your belly try to visit this website it provides information that can be help your problems
  • eat less carbs,do aerobicsswimmingweight trainingjoggingskipping
  • You can try this weight loss program. I heard that it helped a lot of people.
  • Cut out carbs (white bread and pasta) and replace them with whole grain and wheat. Detoxing your body is a great step because your body stores fat to block the toxins in your body. The treadmill is fine and add some jumping jax and do the bicycle workout. If you have energy in the morning, wake up early and do a little work out, it will boost your metabolism. I do 200 of the bicycle things. Then for breakfast, oatmeal (the real stove-cooked stuff) with honey and hot green tea. Also Im gonna try the honey and cinnamon diet but you have to buy Ceylon cinnamon because the stuff you buy in the supermarket is bad for your liver. Bicycle workout:


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