How do I lose weight?

I am 14 weighing probobly 230 and I don't know how to loose weight... I've tried running,staving myself, and weight loss products... Someone please help me

How to Lose Weight With the Master Cleanse

Recommended Answer:

Eat 8 glasses of water a day. Eat smaller portions of food. Have 1200 calories A day. Go for a run in the morning and evening. Workout at home for 30 mins. ( 100 jumping jacks, 100 squats 100 crunches and 25 push ups. Do like 15 squats and 15 squats again until you reach 100) Other Answers:

  • Eat healthy and workout
  • For more about it, go here --->
  • For starters you need to know what foods to eat to speed up your metabolism and keep you full, I actually eat more to lose weight, that does not sound right does it, but that's how it works, you eat the right foods, eating every 2-3 hours and drinking plenty of water.It has everything to do with your metabolism. The higher your metabolism, the more fat your body burns. If you have a low metabolism, then of course the amount of fat your body burns is reduced.Skipping meals or not eating enough actually helps your body to become really good at storing fat. Why? Because it needs to, in case it is starved again in future! Your body needs fuel to work properly, so if you don't provide it with enough, it will take as much as it can the next time you feed it and store it as fat so it will have fuel the next time it is starved of food. Make Sense?


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