Could my metabolism be unusually fast from years of binging?

I'm a 13 year old girl, 5'7" and 148 lbs. I have lost 5 lbs in the past week from eating between 1000-1300 calories every day and burning around 100 from walking every day, which is a lot more weight than I expected. For several years I binged almost every day (I have since quit) and so I was wondering if my metabolism could be unusually fast because of years of trying to keep up with my eating.

How to Lose Weight for Boot Camp

Recommended Answer:

Binging doesn't speed your metabolism, it just causes the body to store excess calories as fat...If you lost 5 lbs in a week, a chunk of that was water-weight, as although your calorie intake is too low, it's not so low as to cause fat loss at that rate (and your exercise is not enough to encourage significant calorie burn)...At your height, you should not consume under 1500 calories a day...and you are not overweight, so ideally you should be eating healthy and exercising just to stay fit and get toned...not to lose fat (because you aren't really carrying excess fat)...per the source site a female your height should weigh 138 - 162 depending on body frame size...

Other Answers:

  • Just eat something healthy and simple, it can really make a difference in your health along with exercise.


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