How can I get motivation to lose weight?

So I am 5'6 1/2 and I want to lose weight.I am VERY overweight.Well,I think I am.So I am 185 pounds.I want to get to 125 pounds.When I first started to lose weight,I was 198 pounds.In about 2 months,I got to 187 and then I lost 2 pounds,Then I got to 183,then I gained 2 pounds,then I kind of maintained it like that for about,almost a year until now.I had so much motivation when I first started and it was awesome,and I was so happy.Now I feel like one day I just totally lost it.And I hate it.I want to have the motivation I had when I first started.How can I get that motivation back?Thank you -lauren

How to Lose Weight Fast and Keep it Off

Recommended Answer:

I have no motivation at all to lose weight as much as I wish I could.I found for me that when I told myself I wouldn't eat junk food, being so close to giving in then following through with refusing to eat it was very rewarding. Every time I gave in I just felt horrible and disappointed , but when I didn't give in I felt so much better and it became my sugar rush.I also think about being able to go clothes shopping without getting frustrated and depressed every time I try clothes on that make me look like a complete knob, but yet if I was slimmer I know I would have that confidence to be able to wear whatever I wanted without feeling like I've opened my own bakery under my clothes.Writing a food diary also helped me, planning my meals each day. That way I was prepared and didn't end up just eating crap at the last minute where I couldn't decide what to have. In terms of exercise, this is my biggest thing that I lack motivation with.I know how hard it is to kick yourself up the bum to even think about exercising!Start off small, go for a short walk everyday then gradually build it up. Even if its just to get out the house. The endorphines that are released makes you feel less tired and more fired up. The more you do it the more energy you'll have. Eventually you could go swimming etc.After you have stuck to your plan then you can reward yourself by buying yourself something nice at the end of the month and at the end of each week have a treat when it comes to the food. That way when you do have a treat you know its because you have earned it not because you have given in.Eventually its all second nature.I wouldn't recommend anything too drastic.Think to yourself life is short. Would you rather be sitting at home in five years time ten stone heavier, wishing that you stuck to your plans and feeling down and disappointed with yourself, or would you rather be sitting at home feeling happy, healthy and proud that you followed it through and not wasted the past five years making the situation worse.

Other Answers:

  • Make promises that you will keep regarding that think of what will happen if it gets worse:)
  • Make a tumblr and fill yours with pictures of inspirational quotes and pictures. When you want to give up go online. Make a 43 things account and make your first goal lose weight and look at others with a similar goal. Also make it your lock screen on your phone if you cant make it a beach so you think of summer and bikinis. hope this helps :)
  • Find your self an exercise buddy that isn't so easy or so hard on you. Try to remember why you wanted to lose weight in the first place. (Don't starve your self because starving your self will just make you bigger (fat). If your craving something like junk food or candy, just get a small amount of it, if not then you'll just keep craving it and mess up your diet.)
  • Make a list of the types of foods that you are going to avoid at all costs. Try to memorize this, or carry it along with you when you buy foods. Whenever you find yourself reaching for the food from the fridge or the grocery aisle, stop and think for a moment. Remember how badly you want to lose weight. Think about if you absolutely have to have this food, or if you just want it. Think carefully whether you will benefit from it, and if it will help you reach your goal. If your mind tells you "NO!", then stop! Don't eat that food. Reach for something healthy, or skip it altogether. It'll be hard, but in the end it will pay off.Write down why you want to lose weight, and what your target weight is. Make a couple copies—stick one to your fridge, one on your exercise machine or car keys, and keep one in your wallet.Do what celebrities do to look good. It should come to you that celebrities do everything imaginable to look good on a picture set from the steps outlined in this writing to surgical procedures to hide their belly fat or getting rid of cellulite. Take celebrities as your model and motivation so that you follow what she or he does to look their best. Celebrity magazines contain many healthful hints and tips related to weight loss and dieting. In addition to that, you might learn a lot about your favorite actor or actress!

How to gain more weight?

I'm trying to slowly gain weight this school year, im about 135 lbs. What are some ways besides eating and working out?(I'm working out and im trying to eat a lot more) do you know any good high protein or mass builder shake mixes? :) Ty

How to Lose Weight Quickly for Women Over 40

Recommended Answer:

To gain weight you need to combine protein foods with starchy carbohydrates as indicated below. Good weight gaining combinations are bread, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes or sweet potatoes combined with meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, nuts or sea food. Peanut butter sandwiches and cheese sandwiches are good weight gaining combinations. The protein in the above combinations will help to gain extra muscles.

Other Answers:

  • EAT!

Is there a best way to lose weight for a 1st year college student?

I am a 1st year college student and I really want to lose dis weightBut problem is tat my college is too far from my house n I don t have the time to exercise early In the morning so please help me!!!

How to Lose Weight by Walking

Recommended Answer:

Dude i was the same and I just lost 40 pounds in 2 months. It's simple and I am 15. I helped many people get in shape in my school. Anyways. First: cut out all sweets, fizzy drinks, sweets, cakes, ect. Eat only brown rice, no BREAD!!!! Drink plenty and plenty of water. I drink about 15 glasses a day, eat veggies, lean protein like chicken breast, tuna, or fish, exercise everyday. By exercising I mean, everyday when u wake up, walk for a full hour on an empty stomach!!! Just walk nothing else man! Make sure u eat right!!!!! My inspiration and how I lost 40 pounds was from my idol on YouTube. Search up "Elliot hulse," how to lose weight? Watch the 2 videos and follow what he says. Eat clean, walk everyday, and DRINK WATER 24/7. Simple! Good luck. If u have "kik" u can add me and I'll give u even more info. My kik is "they_call_me_kero"

Other Answers:

  • you can exercise anytime, it doesn't have to be early in the morning. i would recommend weightlifting to add to your muscle mass and increase your base metabolic rate
  • Diet and exercise are the only 2 things that will ever work.Workout to retain muscle mass, and keep calorie deficit.

Tips for losing 20 pounds by january 8th?

I know to exercise and drink a lot of water and what to eat...i just wanna know what you did I guessThanks!!

How to Lose Weight by Swimming

Recommended Answer:

Here is a list of things that may help you out. I've done alot of research within the last year and a half about weight loss and I have quite a good knowledge of the subject, so I hope you will give my advice a try.1. Never skip a meal. It slows down your metabolism which causes you to gain weight. It's best if you eat at least 6 small meals a day. Someone my sister knew who was over weight at 10 meals a day and lost 80 lbs. So the more meals you eat, as long as they are healthy, small and low calorie meals, the better.2. Make sure your diet is rich in fruits (apples, melons and berries are best), vegetables (especially carrots and celery), lean meats (like chicken, fish, turkey and fish), low fat dairies and whole wheats. If you're a vegetarian, replace meat with 10 nuts daily, a serving of beans, tofu, or egg whites. Foods rich in fiber are also very good because they keep you fuller longer.3. Do 60 minutes of intense cardio every day. That burns alot of calories and an hour isn't too bad. At least to me it isn't. If you use a treadmill or an exercise bike, watch TV or something while you do it. It makes time go by faster. If you can't do that, or if you go jogging instead, listen to your mp3 player. You can easily get lost in the music and go for even longer than an hour.4. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day, and try drinking green tea. Eliminate all juice and sodas.5. Eliminate junk food and fast food6. Give yourself a day or two off weekly for your muscles to rest7. Treat yourself with something tasty you like once every two weeks.8. Liposuction/Bariatric Surgery can also helps you to lose weight fast. Safe and affordable.

Other Answers:

  • Theres this girl on youtube who lost 50 pounds and she does all tips on how to stay healthy and lose weight. She does workout videos and just tips on how to stay healthy you should check it out her names scola dondo
  • i cannot express enough that dedication is key. remember that.other than that, you want to eat small meals 5-6 times a day, and with enough work at the gym or walking/jogging outside, you can shave off 20 pounds. but that doesnt come easily, so be prepared for lots of sweat and pain and pleasure.
  • There are no tricks, secrets or shortcuts. Eat better, move more. Works 100% of the time when discipline is applied.

how can i lose stomach fat?

i have a very big belly and it looks like i am pregnant which am not i just look like it so i need a way of losing my belly fat do any one have any advice on doing so because people are really starting to get on my nerves because they keep asking me if am pregnant so can any tell me how to lose my belly fatNo rude people please

How to Calculate Calorie Intake to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

jogging is an excellent exercise because it let you lose weightevenly throughout your whole body. If you want to lose weight inspecific areas, you should target them with exercises. If they areyour problem areas, they will be very difficult to tone. You will haveto work double on them. The best approach is this:1. Lower/control your daily calorie intake (control for normalweight, lower for overweight).2. Run/jog to lower your overall body fat percentage.3. Target your problem areas with excellent exercise, you can do it in front of your TV: sit on astool, and put your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture,for example). In your hands hold a little dumbbell. Please, make surethat it is not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or youwill damage your back and spine! Slowly move the upper part of yourbody back, until it's parallel with the ground. Stop for a second andmove it back to the sitting position. Repeat ten times. Every week addto the number of repetitions. You will see the results in a week,guaranteed! Your stomach would be flatter and stronger. Dumbbells do wonders. Much better than thesecrunches - I came up to three hundreds and there was no results ATALL. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week.

Other Answers:

  • Do belly exercises which gives higher oressure to belly and go to google and search lean belly blaster I too tried it very good.check all the videos

What are some products and ways that I can gain weight?

I'm trying to slowly gain weight this school year, im about 135 lbs. What are some ways besides eating and working out?(I'm working out and im trying to eat a lot more) do you know any good high protein or mass builder shake mixes? Ty!

How to Lose Weight Taking Apple Cider Vinegar Pills

Recommended Answer:

To gain weight you need to combine protein foods with starchy carbohydrates as indicated below. Good weight gaining combinations are bread, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes or sweet potatoes combined with meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, nuts or sea food. Peanut butter sandwiches and cheese sandwiches are good weight gaining combinations. The protein in the above combinations will help to gain extra muscles.

Why are my muscles sore I don't even work out but I am dieting?

A week and a half ago I weighed 200 pound's I weigh 188 now all I'm doing is eating salad fruits cottage cheese fish yogurt and I'm drink water and tea constantly I haven't started working out yet though but I noticed that my muscles in my arms and back are kinda hurting everyone is telling me I'm losing my weight to fast but I feel great other then the muscle pain it's the same feeling you get when your working out when you feel that burn could and one tell me what's going on ?

How to Help Your Dachshund Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

You're losing weight far too quickly, and my guess would be that your body is consuming muscle tissue along with fat in an attempt to fuel itself, and that's why you feel sore.

Can You Teach Me Human Brain Facts?

I want to learn some human brain facts. What are some facts about the human brain that aren't too well known? What are some of the more well known facts? I really want to study this and learn all I can because I'm interested in how brains of various things work.I don't want anything that's too technical if you can help it because I want to make sure it's easy for me to understand. Any tips will do, I just want to be in awe of a fact that I don't think I know or haven't thought about for a while.

How to Lose Weight by Swimming

Recommended Answer:

The brain is one of the most fascinating parts of our body that we still have only scratched the surface of understanding. You are definitely going to be heading on a trip down the rabbit hole as you start to explore more. I pulled just a couple of the random little facts that I've always found really interesting.Your brain uses 1/5 of all the oxygen and blood being used in your body even though it only accounts for 2% of the body's weight.The brain has zero receptors for pain. Your skin weighs twice as much as your brain.The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body and the left side of your brain controls the right. It only takes 10 seconds of blood loss to the brain for you to go unconscious. A yawn is actually designed to wake up your brain. Your brain is more active when dreaming than when you are actually awake.That is literally just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to cool brain facts. Keep checking out different sites and enjoy the learning!

Other Answers:

  • When a straight man looks at a gay man the brain tells them to get away as far as he can
  • The human brain has the same general structure as the brains of other mammals, but is larger than any other in relation to body size. Large animals such as whales and elephants have larger brains in absolute terms, but when measured using the encephalization quotient which compensates for body size, the human brain is almost twice as large as the brain of the bottlenose dolphin, and three times as large as the brain of a chimpanzee. Much of the expansion comes from the part of the brain called the cerebral cortex, especially the frontal lobes, which are associated with executive functions such as self-control, planning, reasoning, and abstract thought. The portion of the cerebral cortex devoted to vision is also greatly enlarged in humans.The human cerebral cortex is a thick layer of neural tissue that covers most of the brain. This layer is folded in a way that increases the amount of surface that can fit into the volume available. The pattern of folds is similar across individuals, although there are many small variations. The cortex is divided into four "lobes", called the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe. (Some classification systems also include a limbic lobe and treat the insular cortex as a lobe.) Within each lobe are numerous cortical areas, each associated with a particular function such as vision, motor control, language, etc. The left and right sides of the cortex are broadly similar in shape, and most cortical areas are replicated on both sides. Some areas, though, show strong lateralization, particularly areas that are involved in language. In most people, the left hemisphere is "dominant" for language, with the right hemisphere playing only a minor role. There are other functions, such as spatiotemporal reasoning, for which the right hemisphere is usually dominant.Despite being protected by the thick bones of the skull, suspended in cerebrospinal fluid, and isolated from the bloodstream by the blood–brain barrier, the human brain is susceptible to damage and disease. The most common forms of physical damage are closed head injuries such as a blow to the head, a stroke, or poisoning by a variety of chemicals that can act as neurotoxins. Infection of the brain, though serious, is rare due to the biological barriers which protect it. The human brain is also susceptible to degenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease. A number of psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia and depression, are thought to be associated with brain dysfunctions, although the nature of such brain anomalies is not well understood.Scientifically, the techniques that are used to study the human brain differ in important ways from those that are used to study the brains of other mammals. On the one hand, invasive techniques such as inserting electrodes into the brain, or disabling parts of the brain in order to examine the effect on behavior, can be used with non-human species, but for ethical reasons, are generally not performed with humans. On the other hand, humans are the only subjects who can respond to complex verbal instructions. Thus, it is often possible to use non-invasive techniques such as functional neuroimaging or EEG recording more productively with humans than with non-humans. Furthermore, some of the most important topics, such as language, can hardly be studied at all except in humans. In many cases, human and non-human studies form essential complements to each other. Individual brain cells can only be studied in non-humans; complex cognitive tasks can only be studied in humans. Combining the two sources of information to yield a complete functional understanding of the human brain is an ongoing challenge for neuroscience.

Please answer !?!? will give 5star best answer !!?

Hi im 13 and 119lbs im 5"3 any way i want a flat tummy because i want to wear belly tops i dont eat fruit i love meat and veg i just dont eat enough of veg i just never eat enough of it i really want to look nice in a crop top so please give me exercise tips and easy diet tip s no hate my life my decision please help !!

How to Lose Weight in a Month

Recommended Answer:

First you're going to have to think about what your getting yourself into .Trying to lose weight can take some time and can be frustrating at first .Don't expect to lose 5 kilos in one week .I will make this short :1- stay away from sugar and white bread and rice and anything fried 2- eat when your hungry stop before you get full3- walk every day for at least 45 minutes Here's what I ate and drank on my diet :1- grilled meat and chicken 2- boiled eggs3- vegetables4- wheat bread 5- orange juice ( no sugar added )6- water water water ,drink lots of water Of course you can also drink low fat milk and eat low fat cheese or nuts ...etc But for fastest results try not to consume these things .Tip: measure your weight everyday because even small results will make you feel happy and more confident .Also don't listen to anyone who says fill yourself up with fruits and vegetables because too much of anything can make you fat .

Other Answers:

  • I would cut back on the meat (not saying meat is bad, just to much of it is) say away from junk foods, eat more veg, drink water, cold speeds up metabolism, warm fill you up. For exercise I would say 500 leg lifts (this helps tummy and legs) per leg, 1000 sit ups, 40 squats, 40 jumping jacks, and 60 minutes of cardio (steps burn the most) . You could also do a cleanse diet for belly fat burning, you could easily find one online. Hope that helps! :D
  • Well best tip i can give you is set ups 100 each every day it will help alot... if you dont work out every day you will have a bit of abs pain the first couple of times you work out but then it will be really easy
  • Walking, running and biking are very good ways to lose belly fat. Also, do a few sit ups everyday, they're very easy and can be done in your bedroom morning and evening. I would say walk one day for 1 hour, run the next day for half an hour and then bike for 20 minutes the day after that. Do this continuously for three weeks and you'll notice a difference! Go the gym for 20 minutes three times a week too, 80 minutes of gym in a week burns belly fat! Your diet is also very very important, try to eat as much vegetables as you can as well as drinking lots and lots of water. Water flushes out all sorts of toxins in your belly. Vegetables like broccoli burn fat. Beans, green tea (with ZERO sugar), cabbage, whole grain foods, and lentils are all known to burn fat. Hope I helped!

How to eat healthy? I need a plan?

I'm trying to get healthy, but my diet is so limited I don't know what to buy or make or what. So if there is a website that has recipes I'd be greatly appreciated. Or list your favorites. Oh and i'm not trying to lose weight I'm fit I weight 140 so it's not a weight loss thing. I just want to be healthy. And my diet is whats really lacking.Oh and I'm kinda expanding my horizon on food. I didnt eat fruits or vegetables pretty much my whole life. I'm 22 now. So don't go too crazy on the recipes give me something that isn't completely horrendous.So recipes Food ideas Tips Whatever you can add. ThanksOh im not a vegetarian, I want meat included. Itd be bad if I ate vegan or vegetarian with the amount I work out and do physical fitness

How to Lose Weight by Walking

Recommended Answer:

Okay first try every fruit and vegetable raw in order to help you expand your horizons. They're healthier raw, so you should at least get familiar with how they taste raw and outside of any recipe.This is the easiest way to eat them when you don't have a recipe in mind. Don't get too much at one time because if you don't feel like eating them when they're fresh, you'll definitely not want to eat them when they are a bit wilted.I like bananas with a green stem, but some people like them when they're speckled. When the skins turn black you can still use them in recipes. You can make a banana bread from over-ripe bananas or even use a banana as a substitute for oil in an oatmeal cookie recipe. Banana can also be used as a substitute for eggs in some recipes.A potato is like a multivitamin with calories. The only vitamin it doesn't have, from what I've been told, is vitamin A, so just add a pat of butter and you have everything. But you have to eat the peel to get most of the vitamins. Baked potatoes are easy. Wash them with soap and water scrubbing with a sponge or brush just like you would wash a dish, I use the scrubby side if a dish sponge. Of course rinse them well as soap doesn't taste good, then pile them straight on the rack in the oven on 350 for about an hour. You can prepare and cook a whole bag all at once and keep the leftovers in the refrigerator. It's also easy to cook them in the microwave: just cut them in half, place on a plate in a circle cut side down and nuke them 'till they are soft. Microwave time will vary depending on quantity of potato and the wattage of the oven.Cooking tip: If you want to make everything taste better then salt it before you cook it. MSG is created when sodium and protein are heated together. A product can so "NO MSG" on the label and if there is salt in the ingredients and protein in the product and it was heated up any time, then there is MSG in it. It just wasn't added. Some people want to avoid MSG for their health. That's fine, but if you want your food to taste better, MSG is a hallucinogen for the tongue and it's in every food that has salt and is heated.I like onions and garlic. They're an acquired taste. The heat and flavor comes from the sulfur. I like sweet Vidalia onions raw because they're not hot. The hot onions I prefer to cook.You can get a rice cooker and cook some rice while steaming veggies over the rice. A favorite of mine is yellow squash with some onion. Just chop the squash into half inch slices and quarter an onion then steam over the rice. I like to heat up a can of Chicken A La King to use as gravy over the rice. I don't add water; I like it thick.I like beans, rice and sausage as a meal. You can also make cole slaw. Get a red cabbage because they taste better and just slice some off. The cabbage will keep in the 'fridge for a long time, and if you forget about it and it molds, just peel the moldy layers off and you will see the middle is still crisp. Peel some leaves off and shred them or quarter it and slice or mince, then optionally mix it with some condiment such as mayo. You can buy a sweet sauce specifically for making cole slaw, but it's up to your taste. I suggest you try it plain first to see how that is.Tomatoes are good. Slice them and put them on a sandwich quarter them into a salad. You can cook them, but if I'm going to cook them I prefer to use canned tomatoes. Except on pizza. Of course there is usually a base of tomato sauce on a pizza, but I like to slice up a tomato and layer it on the top and then add some ricotta cheese on a pizza. I like pizza. It is a chore to make yeast dough from scratch, but everything else is easy. Just spread a base of tomato sauce, add a layer of meat then veggies then cheese. You can have mushrooms, bell peppers, onions, even cabbage. I forgot to mention earlier that you can cook cabbage. Shred it then stir fry it in a little oil, of course with a bit of salt and if you like, pepper or chili or garlic powder. When making a stir fry you can use any oil, but you can get special oils to give a special smell and flavor. You can get some hot (spicy) sesame oil, walnut oil, etc.I like raw broccoli dipped in ranch dressing. You can also get frozen broccoli and steam it or heat it in the microwave and melt some cheese over it. Cheese has a lot of MSG in it already.

Other Answers:

  • I'm not here to teach you how to cook. There are lots of websites devoted to healthy eating. avoid saturated fat and highly processed foods, eat lean protein, whole grain, fruits and vegetables.Also, you should do a search on vegan athletes and bodybuilders-there is no reason extremely active people have to eat meat. Check out the foods these guys choose to fuel their body, they know a lot about healthy eating.
  • A healthy eating plan: Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts Is low in saturated fats, trans fat, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars Controls portion sizes
  • Take your plate and draw an imaginary line right down the middle. Then draw another line from the center of the plate through the middle of one side to the edge. You will have a large section-half the plate, fill this with veggies. One of the small sections should be your protein, and the other should be for complex carbohydrates.think steamed broccoli, baked or broiled boneless skinless chicken breast half, long grain rice, try to cook without added fats, choose lean meats,
  • Minimize if you can't avoid the following:CoffeeRed meatProcessed foodAlcoholReplace them with fresh vegetables and fruits.And drink lots of water.
  • Look on Thug Kitchen.... great recipes that are healthy and the content is hilarious
  • Stay away from junk foods.. Potatoes eat real potatoeshamburger.. eat ground chuck not 'hamburger' .. better to actually eat the steak than the ground anything.Salads .. mix vegetables and try them without dressings.. taste is great..

I am trying to loose weight and I am wondering if garcinia cambogia works well?

I am trying to loose weight and I am wondering if garcinia cambogia works well? I am at the site and I am so temped to buy it, has anyone lost weight with it?

How to Get a Chihuahua to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Yes, garcinia cambogia is one of the best weight loss pill out there on the market. It is also safe. However, you need to buy it from legit dealer, I have look at the website that you are willing to buy from ( I don't recommend you to buy from that webiste.Instead, buy it from authorized website. I personally would like you to look at evolution slimming. The website link:

Other Answers:

  • If your looking for a free trial i highly recommend getting one from the following site: is because my wife and her sister have both personally ordered from here and its been a fast delivery. So i trust them more if im honest.Anyway, in light of your question yes garcinia cambogia does work, and it works very well but speeding up your metabolism and it also stops you from feeling as hungry.Of course as well as using this supplement you also need to maintain a healthy diet and regular execise, without that the pill wont work. Its not a miracle weight loss tablet as these do not exist.

How to start preparing for dance classes?

I'm planning to start dance classes next year. I'll be 18 with no previous dance experience. I just want to do it for fun. I like all kinds of dance but I'm mostly interested in ballet. I would like to start "preparing" for class now because I'm sort of extremely unfit. I don't need to lose weight or anything, but I am incredibly weak in terms of muscle strength. I cannot even do one push up. So I'm afraid this might pull me back in class or something. What can I do now to start preparing myself? As in, what exercises/stretches should I be doing and what areas of my body should I be strengthening?

How to Run to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

The best way to condition your body to better accept ballet training is with floor pilates and yoga. It builds core strength, elongates the muscles and increases flexibility and balance. Professional dancers cross train with pilates. Please don't make the mistake of watching videos and trying any ballet before you take classes. It is a great way to build bad habits that will be harder to break once you start classes.You need a teacher's eyes and hands on you for corrections. Not to mention not having a sprung or floating floor to dance on like a reputable dance studio has. Working on a floor with no "give" will cause injury. Copying arm and foot positions doesn't mean that you are doing things correctly. You need to be engaging the right muscles to get you there. Sites like Just for Kix are notorious for showing incorrect dance form.

Other Answers:

  • First of all find a professional dance class in which health experts also helps you to get lean and fit beside the dance experts who will provide training for learning different dance classes.Contact Just For Kix professional dance classes.
  • You do need arm stregnth for dance but not as much as you need ab and leg strength. I don't have enough time right now to type out a bunch of exercises you should do but go to youtube and search things like Sophia Lucia ab workout, stretching for dancers, How to do the splits, How to improve leg extensions, etc. There are a lot of really good dance channels you could subscribe to.
  • Here's a perfect lesson on Dancing .

Best way to reduce water weight around your midsection?

I just started Effexor for my headaches and it seems to be working pretty well but I have noticed that I think its causing some water weight around my mid section - my appetite hasn't increased and im not eating more or anything and exercising as regular but I feel like its water weight as I'm not that hungry and I get full pretty easily - is there anything I can do to reduce the water weight? Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you!

How to Lose Weight by Walking Fast

Recommended Answer:

You left out all the important information so all we know is you think you have water weight at the waist and you want to make it go away.You can't choose where you lose weight be it fat or water. You just have to do what's required to create a loss and wait to see where the loss occurs. There's no much you can do for water weight beyond taking diuretics or cutting back on or stopping those things which make you retain water. So, you should take this matter up with your doctor. Water weight is not a common side effect of Effexor so you may want to look at the simple possibilities first. For example, caffeine is a diuretic and salt (sodium) will make you retain weight. So, drink some tea and cut out salt, for example.Notwithstanding the above, I doubt the Effexor has anything to do with your weight gain and you don't seem to have any good evidence the problem is water. You could be just experiencing the normal ups and downs of weight that accompany such things as changes in diet, stress, menses, growth, changes in activity, etc.Good luck and good health!!♠

How do I lose 30 pounds fast?

Hi i'm young and kinda overweight, I only have a couple weeks to lose about 30 pounds. I know that's not healthy so do you think theirs an alternative for like a month or two? I'm on weight watchers but I've only lost about five pounds in a month. I'm sort of a busy person are there any exercises i could work in to my normal routine? and I'm in high school, without a car or job XD so maybe something on a small budget or something.

How to Have the Determination to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

You can go jogging everyday after school or go to the gym and go on a diet that helped me lose weight fast i used to be in very bad shape but now im in good shape i went jogging everyday after school

Other Answers:

  • The cheapest exercise is running u can do it any time n any were for free n is very good for burning off fat but a couple of weeks is a bit short but u never know
  • Keep following weight watchers, stop cheating, only eat the lower number of points. You cannot lose weight fast, you didn't get FAT fast, right.

My leopard gecko is only eating mealworms and shes not gaining weight?

My oldest leopard gecko who is almost 7 years old hasn't been doing well lately. Right before Christmas of 2012 a cricket bit into a chunk of her tail. Her tail didn't fall off, but there was a huge wound that was bleeding and not healing right. I took her to the vet who gave her special bandages, medication and cream which helped her tail heal up completely. I was shocked as I thought she mightve died from the pain/stress. During and after the injury, she barely ate. She went from eating 7-8 crickets to 1-4, sometimes none. After awhile I had to push the food in front of her face to get her to eat. Recently, she's completely stopped eating crickets. I feed her mealworms now but they don't seem to help her gain weight. Instead, she's losing it. Yesterday I fed her around 15 mealworms medium sized and I see no difference.I know crickets are a Leo's staple diet but shouldnt the mealworms help her gain at least some weight?? Im thinking she may have a parasite. I'm not sure, but my mom thinks that a vet wouldn't be necessary unless she completely stops eating. But it looks like she doesn't eat at all! I've never had this serious of an eating issue with any of my leopard geckos (I have 4). My younger 3 are all healthy and fat. I've had my oldest since I was 9 and I don't wanna see her die :(. Please help :(.

How to Lose Weight Fast on Fable 2

Recommended Answer:

First off, if a mealworm dish is in the tank, get rid of it. If your leo has eating problems, constantly seeing mealworms moving will make her appetite worse.I would add fatty superworms to see if that helps up her weight. Not too many tho...just offer two or three of them a week until she gains weight back.Another choice is getting dubia roaches if you can. Eating just one of the large nymphs or adults once a week will make the weight skyrocket like it did for my leo.If you think parasites are the culprit, get a fresh fecal sample and give it to your vet for testing. Also quarantine her from the other leopard geckos. Move her to a different room, make sure she is the last animal you take care of, and wash your hands constantly to prevent possible disease spreading.Do this for AT LEAST a month to ensure your gecko is healthy enough to go back with the others.

How to lose weight/ resist temptations?

I'm trying to diet by eating like healthy natural non packaged food, but I always give into my cravings for junk! My mum always takes me and my sister to like 711 or something, and that makes it really hard... I do some exercise, and I also RIPSTICk for about 20 minutes after school. I weigh myself every night and it's just getting worse. I'm getting really frustrated and upset, and I hate it! My friends are all so skinny, and we have piggy back races at school and every time I'm on the top they can never carry me. I feel like absolute crap about it, and sometimes selfharm over it. I need to lose weight, fast. Any tips on how to resist cravings and lose the weight?

How to Lose Weight Fast by Not Eating

Recommended Answer:

Every body is different but I have a tip that helps to lose weight. Honey and cinnamon cleanse every morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, and again at night before sleeping. Drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup water. If taken regularly it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also drinking of this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body, even though the person may eat a high calorie diet. 1 teaspoons of ground cinnamon and 2 teaspoons of honey in a cup of boiled water.

Other Answers:

  • First of all, you shouldn't weigh yourself every night. We all have variations over a period of time that will just depress you when you eat a little too much salt and hang onto water weight.One of the best ways I have found to help me stick to a diet is to give myself non-food rewards. I list things that I want to do or buy and I promise to give myself permission to do them based on how well I stick to my diet for a day or a week. I also always give myself a meal off every week, not to go crazy, but to simply not think about what or how much I am eating. I found that this takes the pressure off and it keeps your metabolism from shutting down, which makes losing weight near impossible.Lastly, don't try to cut too many calories off. You only want to cut about 500 calories per day off your maintenance level, which would let you lose a pound a week. It is better to lose a pound a week and KEEP it off than to try to lose a lot all at once, fall off the wagon and gain it all back.

How to write a Psychiatric notice for my Doctors?

Can people review my report I'm filing for my doctor? Is it clear and understandable for my doctors? Sorry I couldn't apply outline format, each new line is a new bullet. Please, go through the outline and give me suggestions and any advice you may have regarding the report; is it too vague, detailed or some things aren't necessary here?. Any doctors out there who can help are greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for your time and consideration.BACKGROUND/ HISTORY:1. Originally a Romanian orphan, adopted at age three; experienced neurological-motor retardation, a tapeworm, respiratory and digestive disorders as an orphan (hospitalized several times in Oradea as an infant), treated in Illinois by healthcare specialists.2. Trilingual, wanting to open private veterinary practice as an adult3. No known history of sexual assault4. Lived in Romania (3 years), Illinois (2 years), Madrid (2 years), Germany (eight years)MENTAL HISTORY:1. Diagnosed with moderate depression in Autumn 20122. Sexually harassed in school in 2012, worsened in 20133. Orchiopexy-right on 11 September 2012, hospitalized 3 days (third night because of pain and depressive mood, kept for night for monitoring)4. Hyper sexuality worsened in 2013 a. Would masturbate twice daily; guilt and shame experienced which worsened depression b. Don't watch pornography since June 20135. Sexual nightmares from September 2012 to June 2013 (dreams of being assaulted, teased)6. Struggling academically, socially and emotionally when moved to new school in Wiesbaden(barely passed some classes for 2nd semester, did well on a few (usually do well overall))7. For years hearing background noise, no diagnosis - except stress and depression - made after ear tests by Dr. Joachim Arndt, ENT, on June 13, 20138. Self-cutting and suicide contemplation diagnosed on June 17, 2013 by pediatrician Dr. med. Elmar Schaeffer, (major depression) a. Measurements- Weight: 58,3 kg.; Height: 1.80 m. b. Referred to Dr. med. Nawid Peseschkian (psychiatrist) - however, NOT yet met in person. c. Unintentional weight loss occurred9. Traveled to Arkansas and Austria for Christian counseling in June & July 2013 a. Baptised on July 5, 2013 by Dr. Levan Hubbard, Pastor. b. Christian camp in Millstatt, Austria; claims depression improved at camp.10. Never taken prescribed medication for mental health; not professional psychotherapy11. Still losing weight unintentionally, will see doctor for consultationPlease see ‘Weight Loss Journal' for information. Losing weight and cannot gain weight; fears gaining weight, labels foods “good” and “bad” and sometimes feel sick when eating a normal meal; feel guilty when eating “bad” foods, like desserts.12. Received pre-exposure rabies shots on 1, 8, 22 August13. Hearing voices and feeling thoughts, claims, “not coming from me;” believe it to be the Devil “messing with my mind.”PROBLEMS/ CONCERNS:1. Is the Devil putting thoughts to make me feel worthless and depressed?2. Lost nearly 4 pounds in 16 days (5 Aug-13 - 21 Aug-13) unintentionally3. Hearing voices and feeling thoughts and emotions that aren't mine - do I have schizophrenia?

How Does Counting Calories Help With Weight Loss?

Recommended Answer:

If you choose to give a doctor all that information , then it is written well.Your Problems and concerns, will be interpreted most likely as schizophrenia.Psychiatry may take religious beliefs into some consideration, but they do not believe in the 'Devil' or putting thoughts into your mind making you feel worthless and depressed.Hearing voices and feeling thoughts and emotions that are not yours, will be likely interpreted negatively, maybe schizophrenia maybe something else with schizo affect.Fact: Psychiatry will not heal you. They have nothing to heal you with. The psychotropics are either placebos or suppressants.The only thing else they use is talking , and that is less and less used for many.The only method known to clear emotional pain and problems is this one,,, so you can go check it out.You may also be interested n finding something like this, although I do not endorse it, angellightpath.comYou could look at it for information at least. With the intrusions into peoples privacy increasing everyday, including the hacking by enemies, I would keep what I give to doctors to a minimum , and as needed.You can do as you will.

Other Answers:

  • Give me your skype and we can talk.My best friend is from Oradea

Weight Loss-Losing Belly Fat?

Is it possible with the right excercise and diet I can change my body to a pear shape rather than apple shaped?? My shoulders arent wide at all but I have a thick middle and large. I dont care about but my losing my bust. I have DDs and I wouldnt mind going down a size. But is there somehow a way to transfer my stomach fat to my butt and thighs? Thankks :)

How to Lose Weight by Walking

Recommended Answer:

•Eat healthy home cooked meals, Use less oil, low salt, fresh produce, and you'll start seeing results in no time.•Cardio constitutes as an effective means of reducing belly fat, provided you keep it within reason. Losing belly fat with cardio is a tool. There is no way to target fat loss in any area of your body. You need to lose some of that extra fat over your abs. Even if you work out and get huge abs muscles, if there is still a layer of fat over them no one will ever get to see them. Cardio workouts are workouts that raise your heart rate for a given set of time. Some examples would be running, jogging, cycling, dancing and rowing.

How do I get rid of these little rolls on my belly when I sit?

I want to know of some effective exercises I can do to get rid of my little rolls on my sides and stomach!

How to Lose Weight on Lexapro

Recommended Answer:

rope jumping is an excellent exercise because it let you lose weightevenly throughout your whole body. If you want to lose weight inspecific areas, you should target them with exercises. If they areyour problem areas, they will be very difficult to tone. You will haveto work double on them. The best approach is this:1. Lower/control your daily calorie intake (control for normalweight, lower for overweight).2. Rope jump to lower your overall body fat percentage.3. Target your problem areas with excellent exercise, you can do it in front of your TV: sit on astool, and put your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture,for example). In your hands hold a little dumbbell. Please, make surethat it is not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or youwill damage your back and spine! Slowly move the upper part of yourbody back, until it's parallel with the ground. Stop for a second andmove it back to the sitting position. Repeat ten times. Every week addto the number of repetitions. You will see the results in a week,guaranteed! Your stomach would be flatter and stronger. Dumbbells do wonders. Much better than thesecrunches - I came up to three hundreds and there was no results ATALL. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week.

Other Answers:

  • Press ups, planking,Running and cycling
  • There are no specific exercises that "target" just that area. Its just excess body fat. All you can do is LOWER your overall body fat and your body will decided where it comes off first. Keep exercising until your body looks exactly how'd youd like.1) Eat Less... Portion control, drop soft drinks, fast food, 2) Exercise More.... 1 hour a day for 5 to 6 days per week of cardio. Preferably at your target heart rate.3) Sleep more... drink more water...JUST doing this alone to start...will help ENORMOUSLY.from here..there is much much more

What's a cheap, good way to lose weight?

I am 19 years old, about 5'5, and weigh 240 pounds. I know that with age losing weight will get harder and harder and I'm tired of fat holding me back. The problem is, I am always busy. I just enrolled in school and I have a full time job. I live on my own so I can't cut back any working hours. When I finally get home, I am exhausted, I don't want to work out and I really don't have the money to buy super healthy food. Don't get me wrong, I love salad, fruit, and vegetables, but that gets very expensive, especially for my budget. Right now, I take 4 fiber pills and 2 lipozene every morning and 2 lipozene before every meal in the day. I walk around a little at work, but not much. What are some things I could do that would help me? Inexpensive food ideas, small workouts I could do on break, etc. ?

How to Eat Chocolate to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

The cheapest and easiest way to lose weight is to eat less.Junk food and soda/juice is expensive. Eat none of that. Buy frozen vegetables,beans and chicken/turkey.You don't need any supplements either. A multi vitamin is the only one i recommend for great for health.Small workouts that are great would be "air squats" "pushups" pullups" "jumping jacks"

Other Answers:

  • You will reduce body fat if you burn more calories than your daily intake is. This meaning, get your diet first in order. Check the labels, glass of water before any meal (makes you feel fuller), take smaller portions and add more if needed (not taking big plate and finishing it due it's there). Take advantage of your surroundings, take stairs when possible, walk the short distances instead of taking a car. Once you get those sorted, you will succeed. It's mental thing, not physical. Good luck! (I wonder why the "doctor" here talked you about miracle pills or medicine and not talking about common diet and exercise?)
  • your best bet is to re train the bodybuild your bodies muscle tone, an build up the metabolismlift weights, an do cardio after....45 min wieghts.. 30 mins cardioan eat more protiens, eat more vegetablesreduce carbs an sugarsdrink more green tea, take cla supplmentand be active
  • There's isn't no secret to losing weight, all theses programs are short term results. Eat less but healthy and exercise more, that's it! I did sooo many diets and stuff and nothing worked. I'm 17 and I used to weight 174lbs and I'm 121lbs! Believe me, your wasting your time on these "fast" weight lost program's.

3x a week at gym, what exercises should I be doing?

Hi :-) I'm not really overweight, I'm 5'3 and weight 135. Had a baby almost 2 years ago and I'm trying to lose this baby fat! It's all in my midsection mostly. Now I know I can't spot reduce, but I have no idea where to start when I start my gym membership next week! Weights? Treadmill? What reps of what should I be doing to help get this belly weight off? Any advice is appreciated thank you!

How to Lose Weight With Cayenne Pepper

Recommended Answer:

Tiffany, stay away from the weights because if you have a layer of fat and you use weights, your muscle will build under the fat and make you look bigger than you actually are. Just use the treadmill and you'll be fine. Remember that exercising is only 20% when trying to lose weight compared to the other 80% which is eating healthy, If you eat right and use the treadmill then the weight will fall off. Don't over train yourself and have fun! Be Safe.

When will i start to see results?

I have given up all liquids besides water, im eating healthy food and i just moved into college so im walking & riding my bike everywhere plus running for work outs a few times a week. Im wondering when and or if i will see results of weight loss?

How to Lose Weight on the Subway Diet

Recommended Answer:

Hello Nicole… It depends upon your calorie intake level according to your height, daily activities and your present weight. As you said, you are on healthy diet and going with healthy exercises. I hope you can see the results in the first couple of weeks.

Other Answers:

  • It takes time, but you will see soon enough that you are starting to loss weight and gain muscle. You will also start to feel healthier in general.

How do I lose weight a lot of it and fast?

I'm 180 and 14 I don't look like I weight that much but I need to loses 40 pounds... On my last question it was about wanting to know how to become anorexic and everyone is being mean and stuff I just want to know how to lose a lot of weight and fast because I'm done with getting called fat and stuff I cry every day and it would mean a lot if u could help!

How to Lose Weight Drinking Smoothies

Recommended Answer:

When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, whichwill lead to increase of weight, or muscle growunderneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet withoutexercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. Fordiet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no foodafter 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending onyour initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. Ifyou don't eat wheat then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goeycakes, you don't eat junk food, and you don't eat biscuits. But yourdiet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have tocalculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is themost efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight alot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to targetyour problem areas for men and women. It's not necessarily to become abodybuilder or even join a gym - a couple of dumbbells will help youto target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

Other Answers:

  • Try running a lot . Or if your in high school join a cross country team. And stay AWAY from processed and oily foods.
  • I don't advocate the Atkins diet, too unhealthy but if you cut sugars and starchy carbs out of your diet, the fat will burn off fast. Drink only water without anything added, no sugar and especially no artificial sweeteners (which wreak havoc on your system). Cut out anything with added sugars, and if possible cut out or limit breads, grains, rice, pasta, etc. That leaves fruit, veggies, lean meat, I'd go light on the dairy, and you will lose weight. Eat all the fruit and veggies you can get your hands on with no limitations and you'll feel a lot more energy as well, which will lead to more activity, and een greater weight loss.

How do some people gain weight but not get fat?

I was just wondering how some people are always slim and look the same but they're gaining weight and shedding it off and still looking the same. How are slim people heavy? I don't mean muscular slim people but just slim people.

How to Fast to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

If I understand the question correctly, It's the metabolism. The higher the metabolism is, the easier it is for food to just go right through them. Some people where born with it. Some may have not started to eat real food till the age of 2 or 3 years old (which helps). And other's earn it but staying active daily.Whether they're born with it or not, as a kid, most of them stay active anyways. Even later on in life, if they're not very active, that metabolism they had is still trying to work in them, that's what keeps them slim. They may start growing a little belly on them, but they don't blow up as of somebody who was born with a low metabolism and/or hardly ever exercised. But slowly, that metabolism dies off and becomes low if they just gave up being active and ate whatever, then they will blow up within 10 years or so.

Other Answers:

  • Some people gaining weight excerise it burn up fat as it Is stored. Therefore irs now turning into muscle and keeping their figure With appealing results possible without meaning to do so.

Why did I gain more weight all of the sudden?

I am 14 years old, and about a year ago I gained an extra ten to twenty pounds! I don't eat that much, but it just happened. I gained more weight in my thighs, and my stomach area. I am trying to eat healthier, and I ride my bike to and from school every day. I am also in a dance class. Do you think I will lose any more weight? How can I lose more? Thanks!

How to Lose Weight With Tea

Recommended Answer:

1) Eat a less carbs and when you do eat carbs try and eat sweet potatoes, brown rice etc. No junk2) Exercise 3x a week with weights and do cardio everyday3) SLEEP 8 hours a day5) Drink 8 cups of water a day :)

How much weight can i lose in a month doing slim in 6?

Okay so at the moment, I'm 16, 5'6" and weight about 190. I started changing my diet such as, drinking homemade fruit and vegetable smoothies for breakfast, eating a sandwhich, some cheese, and a low calorie snack( like low calorie kettle corn or baked chips) and a fruit, and i eat vegetables, protein and sometimes a grain and drink another smoothie or water for dinner. Plus i drink water through out the day. Idk my metabolic rate, but a slightly slow metabolism is genetic on my dads side and was passed down to me. I have these Slim in 6 videos and I'm doing burn it up which is the highest level on the DVD set and it's an hour long and starting tomorrow i will be doing that 5x a week before i get ready for school( and possibly play Just Dance on weekends). Can anyone help me guesstimate how much i could lose in a month?

How to Lose Weight While on Effexor XR

Recommended Answer:

Hello,I have some best tips for you that are helpful for you to get your weight loss goal. The first thing for you is that you have to start running in your daily routine. The second thing for you is that you have to start cycling also because cycling is too much effective for you to get your goal. The other thing is to choose the best weight loss meal plan for you that have also one of the important role regarding weight loss. The other is to choose the best Fitbit device for you that is also very effective for you. One of the best thing is to share your problem with your doctor so that get the best idea which will helpful for you to get your goal of weight loss.Thanks and very best regards

Other Answers:

  • I have always had weight problems in the past until I finally found a system that have worked for me.Check me out in my free video. See for yourself, I did it and I know U can too.Best of luck

How long will i take me to gain 25 lbs?

I'm about to be 17 in about a month. My body type is tall and lean. I'm 140lbs and 5'10 and I'm sure I have a high metabolism because this past summer I ate whatever I wanted and still didn't gain any weight. But I'm playing varsity football this year and wanna take lifting and sports more seriously since I'm a junior now. My team lifts Monday and Wednesdays sometimes Saturdays. I want to eventually try to get to about 180lbs if posibble. So if I lift 2-3 times a week how long should it take me to gain 25lbs. Also if you can give me any tips on how to gain more muscle diets ect. it would be much appreciated.

How to Lose Weight Fast on Fable 2

Recommended Answer:

Well, your body can only build 4lbs of muscls per month, any other weight you gain is fat but that is unavoidable. * it is impossible to gain muscle without fat as well as lose fat without a little muscle lost.In order to gain muscle, you need to bulk ( eat more calories then your body uses everyday) this is when you only lift weights with no cardio and eat plently of carbs and proteins. This will cause your body to panic into thinking it needs to build muscle.After a few months, typically 3 or more, you can start a cutting phase. This is where you go from taking more then you need to taking in less then you need while doing the same weight lifting with cardio after your workout. This will cause you body to want to keep the muscle you have gained but use the fat you have as fuel for energy so you will have a good ratio of muscle and lottle fat on your body. And remember, calories are more important then a good workout. Thats why you always see overweight people in the gym everyday but never see any results because they never want to change their diet. Good luck

Other Answers:

  • 1 fuckin year!! I know it doesn't sound like good news but that's the truth man
  • get Tim Ferris' book, the 4 hour body.................. he has a food plan.. plus ways to for example, gain 10 pounds of muscle in 30 days.. gain 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days. he spells out exactly what to do, and it's very doable and effective.higher weights, lower reps = bigger muscle
  • To grow taller plenty of protein, calcium, vitamin D and zinc all help. To reach your potential height you need adequate sleep (from 8-10 hours per night), adequate calories and a normal healthy diet. Plenty of protein from eggs, meat, poultry, sea food and dairy products helps as well as calcium from milk, cheese and other dairy products. You also need plenty of zinc from red meat, oysters, mussels, nuts and seeds and zinc fortified cereals such as Weetbix. Vitamin D3 via the Sun also helps. Girls usually stop growing at 15 and in most cases any further height growth from 15-21 is insignificant but there are exceptions such as late bloomers. Guys usually stop growing at 18 and in most cases any further height growth from 18-25 is insignificant but there are exceptions such as late bloomers. Under eating and under sleeping can, to some extent, stunt your height growth. Exercise does not help your height growth and smoking can actually reduce your potential height by a whole inch. Too much junk sugar can reduce your HGH level as in item 40 in You can see further tips in a web search for "how to grow taller naturally".

Running 4 miles a day weight loss?

If I run 4 miles a day and only drink water and no bread or junk food can I lose 10 lbs a month ? I was thinking about increasing the mile amount each month Any more tips ?

How to Lose Weight Taking Apple Cider Vinegar Pills

Recommended Answer:

Congratulations! You're headed for health. A few tips to help...Running 4 miles every other day will be sufficient to go to your natural, healthy weight. Mix in weights on the off days, and rest on the seventh. Don't forget you should be measuring your body fat percentage, not total weight. As you work out you also will be building size and density of muscle. Monitor your joints, especially knees, make sure your ankles are aligned, run on grass and barefoot when possible. Track coaches are familiar with these things, as are some doctors and trainers. A smooth, even stride on the balls of your feet is best. Well cushioned shoes actually train you to land on your heel, this jars your joints more. Research.Overdoing endurance training may damage your heart and shorten life expectancy (Boston Globe, Kotz 8/5/2013)'re right about the second consideration...what you're eating. Here are health concepts I'm distilling from easiest on down:1. Water intake is the biggest, easiest, cheapest thing you can do for your health, research Water Calculator2. Most people should take a multi-vitamin3. Food combinations & eating for your body type are foundational (book: "Fit for Life") Cut out manufactured Fructose (corn sugar) = POISON, and Aspartame: it's a contaminated (mercury) industrial byproduct that spikes blood-sugar levels, increases hunger, damages the liver, causes the intestines to leak feces causing body-wide inflamation leading to weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia, effects female systems, and can limit growth. It makes up 15% of the avg diet, effecting 75M Americans; manufacturers mis-quote independent experts and refuse to ship samples to the FDA. It is the RED FLAG that the food is bad. This fructose is not the same as a fruit's complex fructose that is bound to fiber.UltraWellness TV with Mark Hyman, M.D.; Barry Popkin Phd UNC School of Public Health Minimize manufacturer-processed foods, research the ingredients & side effects Having raw foods and correctly cooking some of them maximizes your food value. There are healthier substitutes for anything, like homemade humus for mayo, nutritional yeast for cheese. I regularly cook chili with rice for a complete protein. Dairy raises your body's acid level and your body strips calcium from your bones to balance the Ph--plums can help this and reverse it in post-menapausal women.(books: Forks Over Knives, Eat to Live, Engine 2 Diet, Formula for Health...lots on Youtube on these) Eat natural oils (raw nuts, seeds, avocado), limit extracted oils, use healthier oils, avoid solid fats Organic is worth as much as financially possible, consider the alternatives when budgetingGMOs - Ask your doctor if cancer is right for you (Natural News, Wells, 10/16/2012) to avoid genetic engineering at the grocery store (Farm Aid, 2011)¬oc=1&msource=adwords&gclid=CPSMg4nA5rgCFQE6Qgod7DkATgFOX Reporters Fired For Reporting the Truth About Monsanto Milk: most of the Milk in the USA and across some parts of the world is unsafe to drink due to Monsanto Corporation's POSILAC®, which has been proven to be a cancer-causing growth hormone.(known in short as “BGH” “BST” or “rBGH” Monsanto's Roundup pesticides are linked to Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, autism and cancer; they control crop acreage 40% and create pesticide seeds: corn 73%, soybean 90%, cotton 80%, canola, papaya, sugar beets, alfalfa (beef); %s are U.S., info from multiple resourcesMonsanto's Roundup linked to mental disease, cancer; The World According To Monsanto, plus U.S. government members who work for Monsanto

Other Answers:

  • If you run that much your metabolism will speed up to accommodate the calories used and your appetite will also. Even if you eat a lot more you will still be burning it off. My advice would be to run with a light stomach and not eat after for the next hour to hour and a half as that is when you burn the most calories. Fat isn't that bad as long as you have toned muscle underneath which will make you look lean. You should do some weight training also with light to moderate weights. Weighted side blanks(side abs), side dumbbell lateral raises(forearms), and weighted lunges to build the back of your thigh.

butt lift exercises: am i supposed to feel it on my butt?

so currently, i'm doing the 30 day squat challenge (i know, i'm late. but better late than never right?) i'm doing it mainly just to tone my thighs but i also want to tone my butt. am i supposed to feel it? its my third day and my thighs are super sore, but i don't feel anything on my butt.

How to Use Honey and Cinnamon to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Tone is an ambiguous word with no clear definition. It comes from "tonus" which is the tension in muscle at rest. That's not something you can change unless a muscle is atrophied. Generally tonus has to do with age only and is something that muscles lose as people age.Because "tone" is a slang term which means different things to different people, it is best to avoid using it. For more, go here --> I don't know what you expect to accomplish because of your use of the word "tone". However, you're going to have difficulty making your glutes sore with squats because, as you noticed, the thighs are going to be the limiting muscles. Here's some general butt info for you.The derrière has two major components and they are fat and muscle. If you feel yours is not large enough and want to make it bigger, you have two ways of doing that; increase the muscle size and increase the amount of fat. Unfortunately both options are problematic with big liabilities and so much so that you'll probably ultimately settle for what nature has provided. Here's why.Muscle - You'll have to work hard on a regular basis for a very long time to add muscle to your glutes. That means a very substantial commitment to exercise including heavy weights and some training with qualified supervision. And, you may not have the potential for the growth you want. The only way to find out is to do it. And, if you do get a large booty, it's going to be more masculine than feminine. Muscularity is a male trait due to testosterone and a smooth, round derrière is a feminine trait due to fat.What is required to add muscle is heavy strength training and it must be continued to keep the extra muscle size. The amount of muscle a typical female can expect to add to her glutes in a month would be on the order of a couple of ounces max and probably a lot less. For more on how much you can add over time, watch this video --> . And, remember, women have very little testosterone so you would gain much slower than a male of equivalent size.Considering the effort required and the many months of hard training required before you can even expect to see a difference, you may be setting yourself up for a big disappointment and that's the reason you will probably decide exercise is not the way for you.To learn how to exercise your glutes, go here and click on the exercises listed under Gluteus Maximus -->'s a good Nautilus machine for hip extensions (glutes) which takes the load off the lumbar spine (lower back) -->, here are the very lean and well muscled booties of the US Olympic women's gymnastics team ---> . As you can see, a muscular booty has a masculine appearance because fat is what makes prodigious rounded bottoms feminine.Fat - You can add fat to your butt. However, the only way to do that is to add it to your body and wait for it to appear in the booty. In other words, you may get fat in the belly, the hips, the thighs at the same time masking the increase in the size of your caboose. So, again, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment and will probably not choose this option either.Most people with large butts got theirs from genetics...nature and not nurture. If, for example, you're a woman with an average derrière and want to look like Kim K, it's probably not going to happen. However, at least you now know your options.Good luck and good health!!♠

How can a 15 year old girl gain weight ( preferrably 10 or more pounds)?

I've been thin all my life, and that's why I got picked on, and that's why I'm shy, and that's why I don't wear shorts, and I only wear jackets or sweaters to school. I am very socially cautious because of my pass ridicule with being thin. I tired of it, quite frankly. So please, please, pleasee give me good ideas to gain weight. And I already eat a lot, I think I just have a high metabolism, or whatever... Thanks so much, you're appreciated!

How to Use Honey and Cinnamon to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

There really isn't a good way to gain weight if you already eat like a normal person. You might try working out more and building some muscle. Don't worry about what the other people say about you and your being thin. Odds are they are jealous. Just try to be happy with what you got because there are lots of people that would kill to be skinny like you. Also your high metabolism will probably wear off when you get older.

Will i lose weight doing these please read:)?

If i sometimes have raspberry jam with toast and skimmed milk ( glass of skimmed milk)for breakfastdinner : fruitslunch: mostly salad , soup and any kind of meat ( fish , chicken or meat)oh and if i have juice and something salty like laughing cow cheese or eggs , tuna or whatever for breakfast and orange juice then i'll have cereals and skimmed milk for dinnerI'm actually trying to eat as healthy as possible but i need to feel full because school is a long road and will i lose weight also if i have a cheat meal once a week because i heard it's pretyy good while going on a diet

How to Lose Weight by Fasting

Recommended Answer:

There is no matter that which rapid weight loss tricks you utilize but the exercise and eating a balanced diet are two biggest keys to weight loss and fat reduction. Mostly everybody knows that if he eat more calories than he burns, he will gain fat fast. There are many many articles are out there which geared towards help you to rapid weight loss but most of them are providing complicated ideas to implement. The purpose of this article is to give you some very simple rapid weight loss tips and tricks which you can incorporate into your daily lifestyle very easily, which help you to fat loss without any confusion.Below are six very simple rapid weight loss tips and tricks which after implementing you will be losing more pounds quickly than ever you even thought impossible. Actually all it takes you to have commit on them. 6 Rapid Weight Loss Tips1. Go For Food Shopping When You Have Eaten Something.When you go for food shopping keep in mind that you have eaten something. Because when you will visit to supermarket with an empty stomach you will be temped to buy too much food and much of them will be type of junk foods which cure your hunger but offer a little to no nutritional value, which don't leads to rapid weight loss, although leads to gain weight.2. Don't Leave Your Home While Being Hungry.When you go out from your home starving, you will be asking for trouble,That's why have a light snacks such as a piece of fruit of some chopped veggies before dining out in the restaurant. You will not be as likely to be tempted by the most fattening meal & chances are that you will avoid the desert menu.3. When You Are Dining Out, Avoid Dressings & Sauces Or Move Them OnOne Side.Dressings and sauces heaped over salads or vegetables can cause a healthy meal to be turned into an unhealthy one. Most of these sauces and dressings contain a huge amount of calories hampering your weight loss efforts. If you must have a dressing with your salad, ask for a low fat one or better yet request your sauces and low calorie dressings on a side.4. Drink As Much Water As You Can Daily, From 6 to 8 Glasses Per Day Atleast.Water is so much important for rapid weight loss. I am extremely surprised that many dieters forget to drink enough water ignoring the forth of these rapid weight loss tricks, provided in this article. Actually water helps digesting your food and flushes out toxins. Because when you will drink more water you will be reducing fluid retention, preventing that puffed out and a bloated look.5. While Eating, Don't Finish Everything From Your Plate Means Don't EatToo Much.Whatever your mother have told you, you don't help the starving masses by finishing everything from your plate while meal times. This kind of attitude is very highly detrimental to rapid weight loss. Eat until you are full and then stop but don't keep on eating.6. Take Your Time With Your Food Means Don't Eat In Hurry.Don't rush through your meals, your brain needs a little time to register that your body is full now. This can take as long as twenty minutes so be relaxed, take your time & enjoy your food.Well there you have it all. Six simple rapid weight loss tips tricks to help you change your shape and body.If you are interesting in getting more from you rapid weight loss routines. I suggest you visit this site

Other Answers:

  • Well you certainly should do, that's mostly good slimming stuff.The bread isn't good for slimming & nor is the cheese. Guess it just depends how much of these you have.You're not getting much carbs with that lot so you may find yourself feeling tired or lacking energy.

How do i gain weight?

im 14 years old i turn 15 in a couple of months, im 5 foot, 78 pounds, and im a freshman. I eat literally all day and i cant gain weight i also have a fast metabolism. HELP PLEASE! I need to gain weight and fast so people will stop making fun of me.

How to Lose Weight With Sauna Suits

Recommended Answer:

To gain weight you need to combine protein foods with starchy carbohydrates as indicated below. Good weight gaining combinations are bread, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes or sweet potatoes combined with meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, nuts or sea food. Peanut butter sandwiches and cheese sandwiches are good weight gaining combinations. The protein in the above combinations will help to gain extra muscles.

Other Answers:

  • Don't do it. Just eat healthy.
  • Start lifting weights, eat a lot of calories a day. if your metabolism is that fast then you probably need 6000-8000 calories per day. Also try drinking a creatine shake once a day. Creatine forces your body to hold more water, which will help you build muscle and bulk you up. Do this for a few months and you'll gain good weight, and be healthy and fit. -Hope that helps bro

Running once or twice a day does it make a difference?

I am a high school cross country runner and during summer I ran twice a day and did spin classes but now with school it's hard to decide when to run. I have practice once from 2:45-5 but like I don't wanna get out of shape or gain weight.. Do you think just running once is fine or should I kill myself to wake up at 5am or run at 9pm? I just wanna get a 22:00 5k

How to Reduce Body Fat Without Losing Weight

Recommended Answer:

I don't think you have to worry about weight gain, unless you're consuming large amounts of calories....As far as how to best reach a 22 min 5K, talk to your coach...s/he knows your running style, current ability level, and can best suggest a running program that will help you reach your goal...I personally don't know any runners who feel the need to run 2x a day, although a fair number of them run daily (or almost daily)...Make sure your diet is high in protein though...excessive cardio exercise can cause the body to burn muscle tissue for nutrients, which is why people exercising primarily for fat loss are often told to do more strength training than steady-state cardio...

What are the best ways to lose weight fast?

I really want to lose weight and I'm trying to lose about 12 pounds. First how long will it take to lose 12 pounds? What should my daily exercises be? Diet plans? oh and NO pills!!!!! THanks I hope you will give me your exercise routines as well thanks!

How to Lose Weight Eating Every 2 Hours

Recommended Answer:

•Yoga helps you controlling your weight. It burns your excess fat and makes you slim and trim younger. One of the benefits of yoga is that you learn to control practically every muscle and joint of your body so that the issue of weight gain will stop to exist.•Do daily exercise. Exercise is necessary. Small changes to your activity level can add up over the course of a day, and can start creation an impact on your weight within as little as a week. The key to quick weight apart from diet change is exercise are Walking, cycling and swimming are the best ways to lose weight.•Eat healthy home cooked meals, Use less oil, low salt, fresh produce, and you'll start seeing results in no time.•Avoid the junk food like that sodas, cookies, ice cream, pizzas, and other fattening and highly processed foods.

Other Answers:

  • Put down the fork
  • I eat at least one fruit and/or veggie a day and i usually go biking/skateboarding for 1 hour or an hour and a half. Every single day.
  • No pop,.processed food . Junk food,. Only fruit .veggies and meat . Remember if man made it it is not healthy .natural food only
  • Hello, I can give you some ideas that are helpful for you to get your weight loss goal. The first thing is that you have to start running in your daily routine. Cycling is also too much important for you to reach at your goal. You have to choose the best weight loss meal for you so that is also very effective for you to get your goal. Buy Fitbit device for you to get your goal. You can also share your problem with your doctor so that get the best idea for you to get your goal. Thanks and regards
  • Losing weight is not hard at all. Check me out on my free video. See for yourself, if I can do it then you can too.
  • See have less than 1000 calories . You can have one fat food. Rest all should be dry fruits along with milk and apple or any other fruit except mangoes. Anyways if U wanna do it fast you can check out for women's health exercises which gives a perfectly toned body in weeks - pushups,planks,crunches,squats are a necessity in fat loss
  • Cut back your Calories but depending on how much you eat normally. Cut them back about 300-500 per day. as I said depends on how many you normally consume a day. Exercise 6 times per week for 1 hours a day, you don't need Gym access for this, just make sure it's heavy cardio work. Like Running, Sprints, Jump-rope, Bur-pees, Cycling. Make sure you're Eating every 2-3 Hours, but keep the meals Small and Protein based about 5-6 meals per day. You get the most benefits from exercise when your body is totally fatigued and this is when you see changes. With Food Choices to try to avoid a lot of Saturated fats, The best Meal I have found is Grilled Chicken breast with no skin and Steamed Broccoli, 0 fat total in that. Drink lots of water Especially during exercise. And Have a good sleep every-night.Do a weight loss program.You don't have to belong to a gym or have fancy weightlifting or exercise equipment to engage and exercise. A daily walk offers benefits, as does other types of activities that many people enjoy including swimming, hiking, dancing, sports and more. Or either go for Bariatric/Weight loss Surgery to help you to lose weight fast. You can find affordable clinic/hospitals worldwide.
  • The best diet for losing weight is Weight Watchers, according to the experts who rated the diets below for U.S. News. Biggest Loser, Jenny Craig, and the raw food diet came in close behind. Other diets performed as well or better in enabling fast weight loss, but long-term weight loss is more important for your health.

Should I do body pump spinning, or just lift weights? Or both?

I'm a male and I'm turning 18 soon, and I've been going to the gym for just over a month. The first month I just did weight lifting (or bodybuilding), but then I was introduced to body pump and spinning (rpm). I love those exercises, but are they enough to get toned muscles quickly? I'm thin but I have a little belly fat near the belly button which i want to get rid off, and be on my way to get a six pack. I also want toned arms and legs and I want my fitness to improve as I'm a sportsman. I heard that bodybuilding/weight-lifting can make you lose your fitness. Is that true? I do Body Pump one day, then spinning the next, except on weekends. Should I lift weights after each exercise or should I completely forget about weight lifting? Thanks.

How to Lose Weight Fast at Home

Recommended Answer:

Weight lifting is still important.It should be done on days where you are not doing any endurance type exercise.

How many calories should I be taking in with my weight and amount of exercise?

Hi, I want to lose weight in a healthy manner about 1-2 pounds a week. I signed up to a gym and will exercise about 4-5 times a week. I weigh 148 and am 5'2. How many calories should I be consuming in regard to the amount I will approx. burn. I will be doing cardio/ strength training about an hour or so each time, Don't give me a calculator to use please I need answers from people who have knowledge about this! Thank you!@ Julian so If I consume 1500 calories and burned about 300 in a workout lets say.. then Id only really be eating 1200 that safe??@ Julian so If I consume 1500 calories and burned about 300 in a workout lets say.. then Id only really be eating 1200 that safe??

How to Count Carbohydrates to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

You're BMI is 27, so whilst its considered overweight it is not by much. At these levels I would aim for a loss of about 1lbs a week.Without exercise your calorie count will be about 1250 calories per day. But since you train around 4 times a week, that's an average of 150 extra calories burnt every day of the week.Total calorie count will be around 1400 caloriesHope that helps

Other Answers:

  • I would try going for 1500 calories
  • You should be eating 1,600 to 1,800 calories for a slow and healthy weight loss, you don't want your body to go in to "starvation mode" to try to maintain your current body weight.

Why can't i lose my belly fat?!?

I'm actually not losing any fat. i do 300 push ups a day 5 days a week. taking off wednesdays and thursdays. I bought a training video game that i've been playing. I've been dieting. i've been going to the gym and doing cardio! nothing is making me lose fat. this has been going on for awhile. i didn't lose fat in the beginning either.

How to Lose Weight and Breastfeed

Recommended Answer:

Sorry to say but push ups aren't going to directly help you with losing weight.There is a very simple logic to gaining or losing weight.If you want to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume and if you want to gain weight it's the other way around.For you, you should burn more calories than you consume. Your diet should consist of generally a smaller amount of calories than the average diet, with high protein/carb and little fat. DO NOT eat sugar.Do a lot of cardio for long periods of time, when you're bored simply go for a jog. Try to burn as many calories as possible by being very physically active and don't consume very much.It's as simple as that, good luck!

Other Answers:

  • you need to eat a high protien low carb low fat diet, and eat lots of it (2500 cals+) and work out as much as possible, but make sure to take breaks when needed. cardio helps, but it sounds like what you need to do is build muscle. so go to the gym and do some lifting
  • Learn the right ways to trigger your body's own natural muscle building fat burning powers!
  • Sounds to me like your metabolism isn't fast enough. You know what increases your metabolism? Lifting weights. More muscle you have, more calories you burn. Get in the gym and start doing some exercises. Do about 8-15 repetitions per set. I would suggest chest exercises, arm exercises (biceps, triceps), squats, etc. You can look all that stuff up online. And remember, once you are building lean muscle, the fat will go away. Remember to eat 1g protein per 1 pound of body weight. So if you weigh 150 pounds, get a 150g of protein EVERY DAY. Good luck.
  • Try HIIT(high intensity interval training)...look it up!Also do exercises that target lower abs(hanging leg raises, moutain climbers, ect...)Ive had the same problem with stubborn belly fat and after trying HIIT it only took me a few months to get rid of it all and actually start to see my abs!!It should work as long as you have your diet in place!

butt lift exercises: am i supposed to feel it on my butt?

so currently, i'm doing the 30 day squat challenge (i know, i'm late. but better late than never right?) i'm doing it mainly just to tone my thighs but i also want to tone my butt. am i supposed to feel it? its my third day and my thighs are super sore, but i don't feel anything on my butt.

How to Use Honey and Cinnamon to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Tone is an ambiguous word with no clear definition. It comes from "tonus" which is the tension in muscle at rest. That's not something you can change unless a muscle is atrophied. Generally tonus has to do with age only and is something that muscles lose as people age.Because "tone" is a slang term which means different things to different people, it is best to avoid using it. For more, go here --> I don't know what you expect to accomplish because of your use of the word "tone". However, you're going to have difficulty making your glutes sore with squats because, as you noticed, the thighs are going to be the limiting muscles. Here's some general butt info for you.The derrière has two major components and they are fat and muscle. If you feel yours is not large enough and want to make it bigger, you have two ways of doing that; increase the muscle size and increase the amount of fat. Unfortunately both options are problematic with big liabilities and so much so that you'll probably ultimately settle for what nature has provided. Here's why.Muscle - You'll have to work hard on a regular basis for a very long time to add muscle to your glutes. That means a very substantial commitment to exercise including heavy weights and some training with qualified supervision. And, you may not have the potential for the growth you want. The only way to find out is to do it. And, if you do get a large booty, it's going to be more masculine than feminine. Muscularity is a male trait due to testosterone and a smooth, round derrière is a feminine trait due to fat.What is required to add muscle is heavy strength training and it must be continued to keep the extra muscle size. The amount of muscle a typical female can expect to add to her glutes in a month would be on the order of a couple of ounces max and probably a lot less. For more on how much you can add over time, watch this video --> . And, remember, women have very little testosterone so you would gain much slower than a male of equivalent size.Considering the effort required and the many months of hard training required before you can even expect to see a difference, you may be setting yourself up for a big disappointment and that's the reason you will probably decide exercise is not the way for you.To learn how to exercise your glutes, go here and click on the exercises listed under Gluteus Maximus -->'s a good Nautilus machine for hip extensions (glutes) which takes the load off the lumbar spine (lower back) -->, here are the very lean and well muscled booties of the US Olympic women's gymnastics team ---> . As you can see, a muscular booty has a masculine appearance because fat is what makes prodigious rounded bottoms feminine.Fat - You can add fat to your butt. However, the only way to do that is to add it to your body and wait for it to appear in the booty. In other words, you may get fat in the belly, the hips, the thighs at the same time masking the increase in the size of your caboose. So, again, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment and will probably not choose this option either.Most people with large butts got theirs from genetics...nature and not nurture. If, for example, you're a woman with an average derrière and want to look like Kim K, it's probably not going to happen. However, at least you now know your options.Good luck and good health!!♠

I need weight loss advice ?

I need help!! im trying to lose weight & i need advice !i dont know much about losing weight like, what to eat, how much to eat, how long to exercise & how many calories to currently weighing in at 212 lbs I'm 5'2 & 19 years oldI gained 20 lbs after i gave birth to my daughter & as a stay at home mom i only cooked, cleaned, and did laundry. so the lbs just kept packing on ! im trying to lose as much weight as i possibly can within the next month, ive been trying to eat well and exercise often (i recently bought a new treadmill) .. Ive been exercising and trying to eat clean for the past 3 week & ive lost 8lbs so far ! (i used to weigh 220) but i want to loose more & faster because on Oct 12 is my brothers wedding ! i haven't seen part of my family for awhile now & i just want to make a good impression ! So i need advice ! What exercises should i be doing?(trying to lose the belly fat) How long should i be exercising a day ? & how many times a week ? what should i be eating ? how can i avoid cravings? & anything else you guys can think of that i would need to know ! im trying to look good & feel good again ! so any advice would be helpful ! thanks !

How to Lose Weight Quickly

Recommended Answer:

I'm done with my weight loss journey and completely happy with how I feel and how I look right now however losing weight is a challenge for anyone and even losing 5 pounds and keeping it off isn't an easy task. Also I bet you didn't know that 5 pounds of fat is about the size of 8 cheese burgers? That alone should be enough to make anyone want to get on the ball and start a change for the better. Weight loss can be really easy to learn but the problem is nobody wants to put the required effort that is needed to actually do it, instead people continually look for (easy) ways to do it. If there was an easy way to lose weight I don't think 35% of Americans would be obese. There was a time when I also wanted to lose weight and was tired of starting diets only to lose motivation and give up just a few weeks later after seeing no results. However, let me tell you it is literally one of the easiest things you will ever learn once you find a good and reputable place to learn it from and I say that only because the world is filled with magic diet pills, liquid flush diets and a thousand other quick fixes that promise xx pounds of weight loss in the first week and even though it is impossible they know you're going to do it because your desperate. I have probably tried every diet pill, liquid flush diet, and ab rocket machine known to man and have had no success with any of them nor do I know anyone that has ever had any success with them. I have also tried starving myself which works very well for the first few weeks' right before your metabolism comes to a complete stop and eating just the tiny bit makes you gain weight and you end up weighing more than you did before you started starving yourself. Companies promote weight loss to make money not to get people healthy again and that's because they know you're not going to be a customer and buy their products if you're no longer fat. is a site I want you to go to when you have 10 or 20 minutes to spare and I want you to sit down and watch his video on weight loss. He helps people every day to lose weight I have never seen someone as committed as him and that will go so far out of his way to help someone. His weight loss program is one of the best I have ever had the enjoyment of doing and it is without doubt the best success I have ever had with any weight loss program. I also couldn't be happier with my body right now and I have never felt this wonderful in my whole life. In the end you just got to remember to stick with it and stay confident in yourself and in no time you can achieve the results you have always wanted. It's not hard to lose weight but most people have a hard time staying motivated and 9 times out of 10 it was because they weren't really committed from the beginning. Anyways I hope I helped you and I hope you make the commitment to change your body and life. Remember it's not easy to take the first step but you did, you're here right now taking it and the rest of the steps will fall into place. Have a wonderful day.

Other Answers:

  • I ran 2 miles a day, 6 days a week, and ate healthy, and by the end of one month I lost about 9 pounds or so! 8 pounds is actually a lot, so you're doing good! When you get cravings, do NOT give in! Drink water, or chew gum when you get cravings, and if it gets really bad eat some fruit or raw veggies! Junk food every once in a while is okay, I promise one cookie is not going to hurt! I would also do some strength training along with cardio so that you don't get 'skinny fat'. Good luck!!
  • Hiii well u can reduce every 8 lbs in just 2 weeks if u follow a strict diet. With no sugar no fatty things even if ur mouth is watering for having those cheese Burgers .. Trust me u cannot lose weight unless u follow strict diet .... U need to be on just fruits and vegetable salads only ... No excersise is needed if u go for daily jogging for one hour and dancing in evening for always 30 - 40 mins ... But u still can check in YouTube for belly excersises ... Whenevr u feel hungry just eat salalds and fruits and lots of water ... it will make ur face glow too :) Good luck