Tips for losing 20 pounds by january 8th?

I know to exercise and drink a lot of water and what to eat...i just wanna know what you did I guessThanks!!

How to Lose Weight by Swimming

Recommended Answer:

Here is a list of things that may help you out. I've done alot of research within the last year and a half about weight loss and I have quite a good knowledge of the subject, so I hope you will give my advice a try.1. Never skip a meal. It slows down your metabolism which causes you to gain weight. It's best if you eat at least 6 small meals a day. Someone my sister knew who was over weight at 10 meals a day and lost 80 lbs. So the more meals you eat, as long as they are healthy, small and low calorie meals, the better.2. Make sure your diet is rich in fruits (apples, melons and berries are best), vegetables (especially carrots and celery), lean meats (like chicken, fish, turkey and fish), low fat dairies and whole wheats. If you're a vegetarian, replace meat with 10 nuts daily, a serving of beans, tofu, or egg whites. Foods rich in fiber are also very good because they keep you fuller longer.3. Do 60 minutes of intense cardio every day. That burns alot of calories and an hour isn't too bad. At least to me it isn't. If you use a treadmill or an exercise bike, watch TV or something while you do it. It makes time go by faster. If you can't do that, or if you go jogging instead, listen to your mp3 player. You can easily get lost in the music and go for even longer than an hour.4. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day, and try drinking green tea. Eliminate all juice and sodas.5. Eliminate junk food and fast food6. Give yourself a day or two off weekly for your muscles to rest7. Treat yourself with something tasty you like once every two weeks.8. Liposuction/Bariatric Surgery can also helps you to lose weight fast. Safe and affordable.

Other Answers:

  • Theres this girl on youtube who lost 50 pounds and she does all tips on how to stay healthy and lose weight. She does workout videos and just tips on how to stay healthy you should check it out her names scola dondo
  • i cannot express enough that dedication is key. remember that.other than that, you want to eat small meals 5-6 times a day, and with enough work at the gym or walking/jogging outside, you can shave off 20 pounds. but that doesnt come easily, so be prepared for lots of sweat and pain and pleasure.
  • There are no tricks, secrets or shortcuts. Eat better, move more. Works 100% of the time when discipline is applied.


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