Can people review my report I'm filing for my doctor? Is it clear and understandable for my doctors? Sorry I couldn't apply outline format, each new line is a new bullet. Please, go through the outline and give me suggestions and any advice you may have regarding the report; is it too vague, detailed or some things aren't necessary here?. Any doctors out there who can help are greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for your time and consideration.BACKGROUND/ HISTORY:1. Originally a Romanian orphan, adopted at age three; experienced neurological-motor retardation, a tapeworm, respiratory and digestive disorders as an orphan (hospitalized several times in Oradea as an infant), treated in Illinois by healthcare specialists.2. Trilingual, wanting to open private veterinary practice as an adult3. No known history of sexual assault4. Lived in Romania (3 years), Illinois (2 years), Madrid (2 years), Germany (eight years)MENTAL HISTORY:1. Diagnosed with moderate depression in Autumn 20122. Sexually harassed in school in 2012, worsened in 20133. Orchiopexy-right on 11 September 2012, hospitalized 3 days (third night because of pain and depressive mood, kept for night for monitoring)4. Hyper sexuality worsened in 2013 a. Would masturbate twice daily; guilt and shame experienced which worsened depression b. Don't watch pornography since June 20135. Sexual nightmares from September 2012 to June 2013 (dreams of being assaulted, teased)6. Struggling academically, socially and emotionally when moved to new school in Wiesbaden(barely passed some classes for 2nd semester, did well on a few (usually do well overall))7. For years hearing background noise, no diagnosis - except stress and depression - made after ear tests by Dr. Joachim Arndt, ENT, on June 13, 20138. Self-cutting and suicide contemplation diagnosed on June 17, 2013 by pediatrician Dr. med. Elmar Schaeffer, (major depression) a. Measurements- Weight: 58,3 kg.; Height: 1.80 m. b. Referred to Dr. med. Nawid Peseschkian (psychiatrist) - however, NOT yet met in person. c. Unintentional weight loss occurred9. Traveled to Arkansas and Austria for Christian counseling in June & July 2013 a. Baptised on July 5, 2013 by Dr. Levan Hubbard, Pastor. b. Christian camp in Millstatt, Austria; claims depression improved at camp.10. Never taken prescribed medication for mental health; not professional psychotherapy11. Still losing weight unintentionally, will see doctor for consultationPlease see ‘Weight Loss Journal' for information. Losing weight and cannot gain weight; fears gaining weight, labels foods “good” and “bad” and sometimes feel sick when eating a normal meal; feel guilty when eating “bad” foods, like desserts.12. Received pre-exposure rabies shots on 1, 8, 22 August13. Hearing voices and feeling thoughts, claims, “not coming from me;” believe it to be the Devil “messing with my mind.”PROBLEMS/ CONCERNS:1. Is the Devil putting thoughts to make me feel worthless and depressed?2. Lost nearly 4 pounds in 16 days (5 Aug-13 - 21 Aug-13) unintentionally3. Hearing voices and feeling thoughts and emotions that aren't mine - do I have schizophrenia?
How Does Counting Calories Help With Weight Loss?
Recommended Answer:
If you choose to give a doctor all that information , then it is written well.Your Problems and concerns, will be interpreted most likely as schizophrenia.Psychiatry may take religious beliefs into some consideration, but they do not believe in the 'Devil' or putting thoughts into your mind making you feel worthless and depressed.Hearing voices and feeling thoughts and emotions that are not yours, will be likely interpreted negatively, maybe schizophrenia maybe something else with schizo affect.Fact: Psychiatry will not heal you. They have nothing to heal you with. The psychotropics are either placebos or suppressants.The only thing else they use is talking , and that is less and less used for many.The only method known to clear emotional pain and problems is this one,,, so you can go check it out.You may also be interested n finding something like this, although I do not endorse it, angellightpath.comYou could look at it for information at least. With the intrusions into peoples privacy increasing everyday, including the hacking by enemies, I would keep what I give to doctors to a minimum , and as needed.You can do as you will.
Other Answers:
- Give me your skype and we can talk.My best friend is from Oradea
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