Why do men hate fat women so much?

Men/boys always express their disgust towards overweight females and act like it's the worst thing in the world. But women/girls don't insult overweight guys nearly as much. Guys would say "I would never date a fat girl because they are so ugly." or "no fatties" and you won't hear girls say that about guys.And girls would bully other girls too. Men would only get discriminated against if they are obese. But if a woman gains a modest amount of pounds, she would get discriminated against. People overreact to the slightest bit of chubbiness a woman/girl has.So women are less openly rude than men are?Lets not talk about being short or poor. Because the obesity epidemic affects both men and women, and only women are blamed for it. Even though men make up more of the statistics.

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Actually, I have very high standards for guys. He has to be fit and in great shape. Any hint of a man boobs/beer bellies is a turn-off. In my culture, the obesity rate is less than 2%. Fat men are considered impotent, lazy and greedy. They also have no self-respect to abuse their bodies like that. Real men have hard bodies, not soft flabby bodies.Overweight people in general are not healthy. They have obesity genes, and I don't want my children to be my fat. You should lose weight for yourself, not for guys. You'll feel so much more confident and happier.

Other Answers:

  • Cause they have the attitude of a woman who is good looking and beautiful and expect the same benefits and treatment in life. It only happens with females. Most men know they aren't getting the same things in life if they don't have a lot of money nor if they don't look good. We are fine with that. We are just trying to figure out an easier way to get there. Its getting hard in today's society to keep a job.Obesity effects everybody but its only women who feel that it shouldn't effect their social life. Men are more acceptable to understand why society is that way and more acceptable to criticism. We don't everything offensive. Call us fat but don't call us a broke dead beat.
  • I don't know exactly why, I myself actually find women to be more attractive when they are overweight. I know a lot of guys find cellulite unatractive, as the woman doesn't have perfectly smooth skin. And really overweight woman get to a point where they just don't look as attractive because their proportions are uneven, or their face looks worse.
  • Ever hear what women say about short guys, never heard a guy talking about short women they way women talk about short men. Pick your battles.
  • I prefer bigger women. And many other men do too, whether they admit it or not.@ Andrewab: As a short man, I TOTALLY agree with you.
  • I can say the same EXACT thing about women and short men
  • There is practically no reason for anyone to be overweight apart from greed.And greed (eating wise) is very unattractive
  • What bullshit. I've heard women talk about & insult fat men right to their faces.Try living on earth for a while.Way to conflate lack of sexual interest, or even disgust, with hate by the way.There is a branch of philosophy known as logic. You might want to look into it.
  • I think the moral of all this is, both men and women are shallow. Men tend to lack tack and say stupid hurtful things. and women tend to take a more diplomatic approach and try to save the guys feelings even though deep down she's just as disgusted with his looks as the man is with the heavy woman.
  • Overweight people get flack all the time, both men and women. I will agree there is more pressure on women to be thin.But I think you need to work on your self-esteem, and then maybe your body if you are unsatisfied. If you are satisfied, the self-esteem work should take care of things for you.
  • You're asking a lot of questions about weight! I think that women are just judged more on their looks. Although, the type of guys that openly say things like this are just being immature and trying to put girls down. To be fair, I think that most girls would also not want to date overweight guys. If someone puts someone else down for their weight (regardless of whether they are male or female), they are just being cruel and are probably insecure themselves.
  • Looks unattractive
  • Most fat women are lazy and do not bother to make an effort to look good for their man, or a man. As fat women they make excuses for themselves, such as men should accept themselves and their fat as they are. It is their way of getting out of taking responsibility for themselves and their body simply because they refuse to admit that they are too lazy to lose their fat, which is not the normal physical appearance meant for the human body. Their skeletal frame is not built to carry fat rather have muscles to for movement and strength. Any man who respects himself and takes reasonably good steps and care of himself wants a woman that he can be proud to have on his arm as well as enjoy the sight of her whenever he see's her, and where ever they go together. It is an innate and therefore, normal and healthy human behaviour plus expectation that fat lazy women want men to ignore. Lose the fat.


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