What would it take for me to gain healthy weight?

How many calories should I eat in order to gain about a few pounds a week? (Given my height, age, weight and intake) I want to gain healthy body fat. My cheeks are hollow, I'm bony. I'm a 28 year old male at 5'9. I only weigh 117 lbs (about 52 kilos). Ouch. I have chronic fatigue or at least some form of issue with the nervous system. I lost too much sleep a while back due to a hard bed for months. I replaced the bed and am working toward the goal of getting some body fat back. I don't stress as much anymore and am meditative these past couple months. It seems to be helping. With the burn out and fatigue, it would be too hard on my heart to weight lift right now I think. I want to gain some fat or muscle or something because I don't want to concern people by looking like a friggin skeleton. lol. On top of getting adequate rest and hydration, how many calories would I need to eat and what should I eat in order to gain healthy body fat quickly to get rid of these hollow cheeks? Please help! Thanks!!! The following is about 2,000 calories, I don't eat this every day, but it's basically the same calories and balance. Some days I eat more vegetables than this. Here's an example of what I'd eat in a day:breakfast: steel cut oats (no sugar added), cinnamon, sliced apple, 1.5 cups milk (550 calories)brunch:1 bowl corn flakes + 1 cup milk (380 calories)lunch:Sliced tomato, peppers and 1 slice swiss or cheddar and lettuce in whole grain wrap. (280 calories)snack:peanut butter sandwich with bananas + wheat bread or 1/4 cup almonds with blueberries or other fruit. (350 calories)Dinner: whole wheat penne pasta with 1 tbspn extra virgin olive oil + oregano and tomato.Or spinach pasta with a side of mackeral fish and bread. (350 calories)Sometimes late night I'll have more oats or peanut butter since it's slow burning. Dairy is hard on my stomach late at night, so cant do cottage cheese. (350 calories)Please take a look and tell me. What am I doing wrong? I don't seem to be gaining. I try not to over-exercise because I'm burned out with a fast metabolism, so I take easy meditative walks every other day about 17 mins. My cholesterol and blood and blood pressure are all fine. Thanks! sorry for the long post.I wanna add that I'm not interested in a bunch of chocolate cake. I draw the line at a few fruits a day, but a lot of people seem to tell me fast burning starchy carbs and sugars. My metabolism is already fast and my insulin will spike too often. I need slow burning energy. Thanks!

How to Lose Stomach Weight

Recommended Answer:

Honestly... I think you should see a doctor or a nutritionist. They can give you the best advice. But personally, I would say fruit has a lot of natural sugar.. Especially the green smoothies you see a lot of on the net. They contain a crap load of fruit to try and outweigh the taste of the veggies and do have quite a few calories.

Other Answers:

  • The McDonalds diet. Works wonders, or order more sauces on subway sandwhiches
  • You should follow advices for health nutrition. Healthy weight means healthy lifestyle. Here are links about nutrition and healthy weighthttp://onlifestyle.org/health/rules-for-healthy-weighthttp://onlifestyle.org/health/rules-for-ideal-body-weighthttp://onlifestyle.org/health/principles-of-proper-nutritionhope will help you


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