Jog 4.5 miles per hour on treadmill after working graveyard?

Im trying to lose weight. Im 5'9 and 185 lbs. Fats not muscles... Im trying to lose atleast 15 lbs before I started bulking up.. Im currently on a good diet and I wanted to add excercise on it. I work graveyard shift from 9 pm to 5:30 am. I go straight to the gym and do an hour of jogging and walking (4.5 mph) on an empty stomach. Do I need to eat before doing jogging for an hour or no? Which one can burn fats faster? eating before hitting the treadmill or eating after?

How to Lose Weight by Fasting

Recommended Answer:

Eating after it is probably a better choice for you If you're able to sustain the workout. When you're running your body uses carbo first and fat later. If the carbo in your muscles and liver are less you will began to burn fat sooner. However if your workout is very intense you could go through a sugar crave. To avoid that you can eat just a little snack before the running and have a complete breakfast after the workout. If the carbo you eat before are few you should burn them quickly during your workout.


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