I have been working out an hour a day for over a week now but not losing weight. ?

I have been doing Zumba type exercise for over a week (an hour a day) but find it hard keeping to a healthy diet as I can't afford the healthy food choice. Healthy food to me is expensive and I have to buy cheaper food which is obviously too bad for me. Can anyone help me put together a healthy weight loss week diet that's purse friendly??? thank you :D

How to Quickly Lose Weight by Drinking Water

Recommended Answer:

any type of exercise needs a good diet to achieve a quick and prompt result. one week is way too fast for any type of exercise though combined with good eating habits. u can have good amount of vegetables for cheaper rates which is very beneficial for your target and supplement your protein needs with eggs and cottage cheese which are low on your pocket. finally,, it takes 2 weeks for u to see changes in your body, 4 weeks for your close ones,,, 6 weeks for your friends and finally 8 weeks for the whole world to notice

Other Answers:

  • Exercise without a careful diet is not a way to lose weight. You diet to lose body fat. Exercise is for health and wellness, but not for weight loss. Fresh vegetables, rice, and tofu are not very expensive at all, certainly less expensive than pre-packaged or fast foods.
  • Change of diet is in order make your own healthy smoothies make ur meals smaller but more frequent drink lots of water and lots of rest find a water pill to get rid of extra water weight and find something to boost your immune system & matab stress is also a weight gainer so reduce this too good luck


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