How many lbs may i lose?

Im about 108/109 lbs 5'1 right now i've been water fasting on and off these past few weeks. But some days id eat things.but now im going on a solid water fast for the next 9/10 days how many lbs may i shed ? I will be doing mild exercises and taking laxatives every night. I've done water fasting before i wont die or destroy my body and please dont give me any other diet suggestions or websites be accurate as possible please im only asking for a number please be understanding

How to Lose Weight with Thyroid Problems

Recommended Answer:

Yes, you will die and don't come crying to me when your in a hospital. Have fun gaining all the weight back anyway.

Other Answers:

  • the laxatives are pointless on a water fasti hope you GAIN 10 pounds.. good luck anorexic


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