How to tell my parents I'm trying to lose weight?

I'm 13 and I'm overweight I'm trying to lose weight by a weightloss challenge I wanna tell them but I dont want them to tell anybody and they are blabber mouths also I don't want them to call me fat again or make a big deal out of it. This is a VERY sensitive subject for me!!! Should I tell them and how should I tell them???

How to Run to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Just tell them. I told my parents... And they still good their friends lol. I lost 45 pounds. My mom knows that I don't eat much anynorw

Other Answers:

  • Why not just keep it to yourself???
  • Hey parents, I'm trying to lose weight. What's for dinner?
  • Just do it . be like mom n dad I'm gonna workout now . Plus your 13 let your body grow until 17 then try to go hardcoreIf u start lifting weights right now . u might not get height


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