How to cope with my mom loving my sister more?

So, I have a younger sister aged 9. She gets anything she wants, which is usually mine. For example, for my 14th birthday I got a laptop for school. So, when I told her, she said that if I got one she should have one, too. AND SHE GOT ONE. AT NINE YEARS OLD! And she doesn't even take care of it, she just did it so she could compete with me. She lost the power cord and doesn't even care. So now, she uses mine all the time, so much that it's basically hers. I can only use it if I need to for school. My mom will usually take her side, even if its totally not right. She goes with the excuse of "She's younger." One time she dug her fingernails so deep into my skin, I started to bleed. So, I pushed her off of me onto the floor and I GOT IN TROUBLE. So did she, but my mom only talked to me about it. And, in the rare cases my mom does take my side, she still makes me in the wrong in some way. If I don't want to spend time with my sister (because sometimes I need alone time) too bad for me. But if my sister just yells "leave me alone" I get threatened with grounding. My sister can, and does all the time, call me fat, stupid, ugly, pimple-face (it's really only mild, but she's a bully), et cetera and my mom will say "don't call him that" and even that is rare because if it tell my mom, she grounds me for being a tattle-tale. But if I so much as call her a brat, stupid, annoying, I get yelled at or grounded or my phone taken away. And whenever I try to talk to my sister about her weight (she is a little chunky around her belly) I am totally in the wrong and get yelled at. I already know my mom prefers my sister, and am not looking to change that, I just need to know how to cope with it for three more years. My current strategy is just to tell myself "it could be worse" or "just three more years" or "she'll get what's coming to her, but it's wearing out. Any advice?Sorry about the wall of text.

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Recommended Answer:

Sorry but your sister is spoiled brat , just try to ignore her put headphones ifs shes around , im sure your mom love you equally , shes giving more attention to your sister because shes yonger , try talking to your mom thats your sister is really bothering you and need some privacy , tell her you need time to study alone maybe that works out , if not try talking to your dada

Other Answers:

  • Confront ur mum and if this does not work just keep out of their way. Sorry u have to experience this.
  • I know what you mean, not that bad but kind of. My twin brother is such a jerk to me and usually punches me and hits me. My mom always used to take his side but she started seeing how he was a jerk and now she doesn't, lucky for me that she realized it. But for you I would recommend just locking the door on her 9-yr old ass. She's just trying to get to you. Ignore them both if you have to. If she asks you for your power cord just say "it's mine, go get your own." And if your mom says anything say "she lost hers, why do I have to give her mine? Why don't you just buy her one like you buy her everything" that should get to her. And if even that doesn't work, you should talk to a close friend. It's always good to have somebody on your side :) I hope this helped. Sorry about your sister though, hope everything ends up okay. Good luck.
  • maybe you should tell your mom how you feel


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