How exactly does a faster metabolism cause weight loss?

I mean I know it does, but how? What does it do specifically to cause the pounds to come off? Does it effect the amount of calories burned, or the absorption of calories, or does it burn the fat already on the body? Just curious.

How to Lose Weight With Portion Control

Recommended Answer:

Well, as it turns out most of our notions about metabolism are pretty flawed. But there is something to it. When your body runs at peak efficiency it burns energy. When you don't eat enough you slow your bodily functions down so you don't burn as much energy so you have it for later. It's sort of like hibernation. It's like your brain thinks your body is starving. It's just evolution. It's a remnant from our animal ancestors. But when your bodily functions are sped up you have more energy and you burn the fat you already have stored more rapidly.

Other Answers:

  • Your metabolism is Not how much calories you burn.Your metabolism is the rate at which your body breaks down food.This causes you to digest things faster, use more energy in digesting food, and therefore having an easier time losing weight or maintaing your weight.
  • The metabolism is what converts calories into energy so the faster it is, the more calories you burn and the faster you lose weight. There are ways to speed up or slow down your metabolism so it just depends on what you're going for. If you're trying to lose weight you may want to check this link out. It'll totally help.


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