How do I begin to lose the weight?

I'm obese and would of course love to lose weight. But how do I do so on a consistent basis? I go to the gym once or twice in a week and fail to return for a long time thereafter. My lack of consistency is very frustrating. How to I get on a positive track and stay there?Thank you for your response.

How to Lose Weight With Tea

Recommended Answer:

Consistency is hard. But take small steps. Make it an appointment. First make an appointment to go to the gym or get outside to walk once a week. Just once. And you don't need to run, or promise to do X or Y when you get there. Just go. ONce you get there, you'll probably do something, but you just need to do it. So say every Monday evening at 7, I'll go to the gym. Then, up it to twice a week. Mondays and Fridays. Then 3 times. But take it slow. Dont' rush it, or you'll get tired and discouraged. Do once per week for 3 weeks, then twice a week for 3 weeks, and so on. Stay at 3 times a week for a while, and instead of increasing the number of days you go, increase the intensity. Say instead of just going, I'll go to the gym and take a Pilates class, or I'll make sure I do 30 crunches while I'm there, or I'll play a little basketball. Make small, attainable goals that don't seem daunting. Pick something you've found that you enjoy. If you like swimming, go swim at the gym. If you enjoy the Zumba class, do that. Pick something you enjoy and stick to it! It's really hard to keep consistent when you hate what you're doing. But start slow. Give yourself time to adjust. Once you've found something that works for you, increase the intensity. Challenge yourself! Try new things once in a while, go to a new class, or whatever. Mix it up every few weeks, but be sure to keep doing what you enjoy. Get a workout buddy! If you treat it like a lunch date with a friend, you'll be hard pressed to flake out.If you have the money, you may want to consider getting a trainer or attending a regular class. If you spend money on something, it's much less likely that you'll avoid it. Trainers keep you accountable, and can help you with nutrition and finding a workout program that suits you (plus you can hire them until you feel comfortable on your own, and then do your own thing!). Group exercise classes are fun, you don't have to feel like you look silly working out or anything, because everyone's doing it. And if you meet someone there, you can be accountability partners, and call each other up to make sure you both are going to the class again next week!Remember, take baby steps. You don't have to do it all at once. Good luck!


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