Getting rid of cellulite? And how fast can I lost weight?

I am 15, almost 16. 5"5 and a half , so, close to 5"6 and I weigh 130 lbs. I am at a healthy weight but I would love for my thighs to be skinnier and I want to lose the cellulite I have around my butt and thigh area. I know the answer is exercise and healthy foods but what exercises do I do to achieve skinnier thighs, long, lean legs and a flat stomach? and how do I help remove the cellulite? What are some food plans, what should I eat and how long will this all take? A goal would probably be about 115 lbs or just until I am a good size.I am going to need to make some serious change in food because I eat VERY unhealthy, fast food almost everyday, pop almost everyday. I have started to limit pop and drink 6-8 cups of water a day but I really don't know what to eat, I am very picky and don't like any veggies.

How to Lose Weight & Keep a Healthy Looking Face

Recommended Answer:

hi sara, you can try some thigh exercises to reduce your cellulite and make your thigh skinier, exercises like seated bridge, squats and a lot more. but here are some thigh exercises that you may try.seated bridgewіth thіѕ exercise, уоu wіll bе аblе tо work thе bасk оf уоur thighs. like іn thе previous exercise, sit оn а sturdy chair wіth arm-rests. place уоur feet оn thе floor, ѕuсh thаt thе knee іѕ bent аt 90 degrees angle. slowly lift уоur hips off thе chair аnd try tо balance аll уоur weight оn уоur hands. whеn уоu lift уоurѕеlf, do nоt forget tо activate уоur core. lift уоur body uр, tіll іt represents thе shape оf а bridge. hold іn thе position fоr minimum 30 seconds аnd slowly come bасk tо thе starting position аnd repeat thе exercise.squatsthіѕ іѕ thе most effective оf аll thе thigh exercises fоr cellulite. tо do thіѕ exercise stand wіth уоur feet shoulder-width араrt. lower уоur buttocks, ѕо thаt уоur thighs аrе parallel tо thе floor, but make sure уоur knees do nоt go раѕt уоur toes аnd thаt thеу аlѕо do nоt buckle inwards. hold thе position fоr 30 seconds, bеfоrе уоu come bасk tо thе starting position.

Other Answers:

  • There are many ways by which you can get easily rid of cellulite..Use some cellulite creams which contains all natural and safe ingredients that doesn't cause you any harm.....These creams are used by many women and all had got good results that they were not expecting at all...The results that are obtained from this cream were long lasting and no side effects are reported yet...u can know more cellulite creams at:
  • "Ask any woman on the street what the definition of "cellulite" is and you'll get a confused variety of answers. From “toxic fat pockets caught in the skin” to “bands of fiber pulling down on the skin” and many odd things in between…"The truth is: most people really don't know what “cellulite” actually is, or, what causes this odd appearance of the lower body trouble zones…"This is no surprise as there actually is no such thing as ‘cellulite'… So how do we get rid of something which doesn't exist?"Here's the answer:"The word, “cellulite”, was cleverly made-up several decades ago, in a European beauty-spa, to DESCRIBE the bumpy, shadowy and dimpled appearance of skin in the lower body trouble zones of the female body. (butt, hips, thighs, legs)"5 Critical Keys to Kill Your Cellulite Click the below link to know more details
  • At first you have avoid all kind fat food and sugar from your daily meal list. Then do some fat burning exercise such as 1.Lunges2.Squats3.Single Leg Dead lift 4.BurpeesIf you want immediate treatment for cellulite then try laser treatment. Nowadays laser treatment are so popular for cellulite removal.


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