Will I lose weight if I only ate nectarines?

If I went on a diet of only nectarines and maybe fresh peaches, would I lose weight and be able to maintain it?I should mention I am post menopausal, I walk 6 miles a day, I also eat a low fat diet, but considering going straight to veggies and fruit.

How to Use Couch-to-5K to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

I'm about to post an article in which I show the results of a study regarding yo-yo diets: the more “poor" and restricted is your diet, the more you risk to gain weight again. This is scientifc evidence: a healthy lifestyle (like yours) is the key to control your weight; there are no fast solutions, no shortcuts. Increasing fruit and vegetabkes is a good choice, but remember your body needs also "good" fats and proteins. Be patient, be motivated, know and respect your body's rhythm.The article will be posted Tuesday if you want to check it (http://rulethediet.blogspot.com/ )

Other Answers:

  • I believe that only fruit and veggies would not be a healthy diet because meats and other foods provide your body with the things it needs. So as you may lose weight I don't think it would be productive.
  • Don't do that. You might lose some weight, but it would be impossible to maintain as soon as you start eating more you will gain it all back and possibly more. Not to mention the fact that you won't be getting all the nutrients, carbs, fats, calories and other good stuff that you need to, you know, live.
  • An all fruit diet is not healthy.


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