I'm not much fat but i'm fat,Is that a solution?

I'm not that fat but there's a belly down there and my arm looks like a girl's arm,If i don't eat except 1 can of tuna each day and run 1hour on tredmil everyday will i lose weight in exactly 14 days?Because i really need to lose weight before then,Please help

How to Lose Weight by Walking

Recommended Answer:

Losing weight is frustrating. It's tough to find a diet that actually works when most of the companies behind them don't want you to lose weight at all. Because if you actually lose weight and keep it off, they lose a customer. But now there are weight loss solutions available that will help you to lose weight permanently without having to give up your favorite foods, do excessive exercise, or damage your body by denying it the fats, calories, carbohydrates and nutrition you need to function. You'll lose weight fast the right way and keep the weight off for good. You'll look and feel your best with a slim and firm waist line. You'll turn heads, and get the attention you never imagined.

Other Answers:

  • Eat healthy, exercise for 1 hour each day, DO NOT SKIP MEALS, and get active. If you do these you will be slim in a month, but it might work for 14 days. Other than that, I don't think there's a healthy way to lose weight that quick.
  • Put on a lot of clothing so that you can sweet in burn more calories in fat


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