Help me lose weight fast. How can I stop being hungry all the time?

Help me lose weight fast. How can I stop being hungry all the time?I am 16 and I weight 230 pounds.... Is absolutely terrible. I was 236 and lost 20 pounds but then i gained it all back. I am always hungry. I always need something to eat and the longest I've been able to eat healthy is 1 month. Now i can't even do one day. I keep saying I will start tomorrow. I've tried everything, every motivation I could have and nothing. I really need to lose weight. I'm desperate. Please help me. How can I stop being hungry all the time and be strong? How can I lose weight fast? I don't need a lesson on health, I know all about the risks of being overweight, I just need help starting to lose weight and staying motivated.

How to Workout to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

South Beach diet books, phase 2 or Atkins diet books phase 3! and NO you cannot do it fast! 2 to 3 pounds a week is fast enough! You need some natural fats in your food plan or you will always have the starvin marvins!! I really like chef salads with regular dressing! not that vinegary low to no fat junk.and the really dirty word: EXERCISE! Walk at least one hour every day as fast as you can! don't worry about the milage as it comes with time!! buy a really cute outfit one or two sizes too small! Hang this where you can see it every time you think of quitting the plan! don't get on the scale, instead try on this super cute outfit you really want to wear! When you can wear it, go get another one a couple sizes too small!and do plan in a "cheat treat" of something you are denying yourself for a once every 2 weeks treat! a bit of chocolate, a half coke, something you really do miss! This prevents the cravings and guilt for having the treat. My endo said to do this!! He is correct as it has kept me on the narrow food plan for my diabetes for about 15 years now!

Other Answers:

  • Don't buy crappy food! Buy vegetables and fruits. If you are really hungry, you will eat those w/o any complaining. Also get tons of chicken and tuna and other lean meats. Limit yourself to a few rations of pasta and bread a week, and get yourself some low-fat ice cream as reward and have half a cup at the end of your day. If you have healthy food, you don't really have a choice once you are hungry. Also, walk walk walk. Once you lose some weight, pick up the pace and eventually run so that you can feel better. Go to reddit/r/lose it too. Very useful and motivational. You can do this.
  • Dear friend , only way is motivation keep target, don't walk alone remember this go in the group or with a friendkeep always greens in your menu ie eg spinach avoid all carbohydratesu will lose fast believe mekeep a balanced diet of protein fats and complex carbohydratesgood luck u will lose
  • eat food that do not contain a lot of salts, sugars, and fats and carbs. eat mostly fruits and vegetables and boiled or broiled foodslot of salads and leafy vegetBLES, exercisebefore you eat, drink 1 8 oz glass of water before and after meals.


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