If I gain more weight will my boobs get bigger?

I'm 14 years old, I'm 5'2 and I only weigh 96 pounds, as of right now I'm a 34B. I was wondering if I gain more weight by eating more will my boobs get bigger? Or is there any other way I could get them to grow bigger naturally?

How to Lose Weight Eating Every 2 Hours

Recommended Answer:

Some girls gain weight in their boobs, others gain weight everywhere BUT their boobs. Everyone is different, but you can try gaining a few pounds and seeing what happens! It definitely can't hurt.

Other Answers:

  • Yes, they will possibly get bigger. I know that when I lose weight, the boobs are the first to go, lol.There really is no other way to get them to grow larger, naturally.
  • Yes it could get bigger and way more luscious too lol.


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