I want to lose weight on my inner thighs and lower belly?

I have a kind of good figure but I have been eating kind of unhealthy lately so my figure is getting boxish. My inner thighs always touch and scrape or whatever, and my lower belly bulges! How can I lose all my inner thigh fat and lower belly fat within a week with workouts and a really easy diet. Can I eat my proteins (and other than that) just carrots and water for my diet? What are the best workouts for a better figure and less inner thigh fat?

How to Lose Weight Fast by Drinking Water

Recommended Answer:

First off, I want you to know that it's impossible to spot reduce your weight. There are no exercises that specifically target the stomach and thighs, so you'll have to lose weight all over in order for these areas to slim down. It's perfectly normal for your inner thighs to brush together when walking. That has nothing to do with your weight, it all depends on how wide your pelvis is. Girls with a wider pelvis have thighs that don't touch, and girls with a slightly narrower pelvis have thighs that do. I just don't want you to think that you need to have slimmer thighs in order to achieve this gap. However, if you truly could stand to lose a little weight in your stomach and thigh region, you will not be able to lose it in just a week with a "really easy" diet. It took you more than a week to put on that weight, and it will take you more than a week to lose it. Try making small healthy changes - drink water, eat fruits and vegetables, and replace unhealthy meals with healthier options. You should also try cardio exercises like running, biking or swimming to help slim down your figure. The most important thing that you should take away from this is NOT to starve yourself. When you deprive your body of the nutrients it needs, it begins to break down your muscle, and actually HOLDS ON to the fat. So eating just protein, carrots and water will not help you lose your fat, you'll just be depleting your muscle, which will account for the change in weight on the scale. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, please go about it in a healthy manner.


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