How many calories to consume per day to lose weight?

I'm a 16 year old girl, 5'4 and my weight is 110 lbs. I want to be 105 lbs. Pls don't tell me not to lose weight anymore and that I'm already in my healthy weight blah blah. You see, I'm really determined to reach the weight goal of 105 lbs. For my height 105 lbs isn't underweight, that's why I'm willing to shed off 5 more pounds. I've been consuming 1200 calories (with 40-60 min of jump rope per day) and I was wondering if I could increase it cuz I want to eat the question is, how many calories do I need to eat in order to lose these 5 pounds? please take me seriously, thanks :)

How to Lose Weight Drinking Smoothies

Recommended Answer:

As long as you consume less calories than you expend on exercise then you will lose weight.............


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