Can you lose weight without exercise?

More specifically, can you lose fat without exercise? Im 16, 123lbs 5'6 but I want to drop 2 bottoms sizes, so basically lose about 10lbs.Is this possible without exercise? I really don't have time to, so what can I do to lose the weight?

How to Lose Weight Without Cardio

Recommended Answer:

You do have time to exercise, you just need to figure out how.It is possible to lose weight while dieting, without exercise, but it is less effective. It should also be done responsibly.

Other Answers:

  • You really do need to excercise! If you stop eating you get skinny yes but you also get saggy which sounds gross lol and it is! You need to eat right about 5 meals a day to speed up you metabolism! And at least go walking for 30 minutes of even just cleaning your room burns calories just be active. You don't really need to be hardcore working out in a gym.
  • of course. eat less.
  • Yes, it is possible. Actually, you can control weight much better with diet than you can with exercise because 60% of weight is dieting and 40% is working out. It's prime and recommended to be doing both these things of course but if you honestly don't have time or interest then that's okay because yes you will still lose weight if you eat better.
  • HELLO : ME0W can you lose weight without exercise the answer is yes meow you are trying lose only 10 pounds not 100 pounds when a person eat below his or hers body maintenance calories weight wil drop off MEOW yor maintenance are 1710 calories if this to low for eat a little more 2100 calories but if eat the 1710 you will lose 10 pounds.there alots of peoples who don't like to exercise MEOW ...goodbye goodbye MEOW if you have a question e-mail me at ONEROCKFITNESS@MAMONWESLEYONEROCKFITNESS. VPWEB. COM
  • No pain, no gain. You have to invest in the effort if you want to lose the excess weight. Workouts are easier nowadays, with the variety of equipment available, as well as the availability of personal trainers who'll ensure you're doing your workouts right.Supplements have also come a long way from covering for gaps in nutrition. If you're having trouble with motivation and focus, then you can buy Jack3D Australia and choose supplement varieties that boost your strength and drive. Supplementation is just an enhancement, though, and you'll still need to muster the willpower to power through your sessions' routines. You can check out more at the source URL below.
  • The truth is that there is a way to lose weight no matter how overweight he is neither pills nor in plastic surgery. The truth is only one word DISCIPLINE.Many of us say that you can not do this, can not do that, and at the same time given that lack the discipline or motivation to do so.If you want to lose weight, you can do it with discipline and achieve great results in a very short time.The course is behind almost everything. From the food we eat in the sport that will do to your sleeping arrangements and the way you move.The number one factor in weight loss is diet.Nowadays almost every food has saved calories it contains. If you are male and want to lose weight stick below 2000 calories per day, depending on them, but does not drop below 1500 calories. If you are married, then you need calories are a little less, so be sure to stick to 1600 and no less than 1400 calories per day.This is less than your daily needs, but still enough to make you feel better. However, the goal is to take a little less than its required calories for you to lose weight.Factor number two is sport and physical activityGet organized so that each day you can spend at least 30 minutes for sport. Choose a light exercise that does not strain you and gradually replace them with more serious exercise.The best exercise for weight loss in the world is very fast walking with absolutely no breaks for several hours a day. That's right, if you lose weight by walking, it should be very fast paced, with absolutely no braking.All other classes are good, you should consult with a fitness trainer to give you exercise, but personally I recommend brisk walking, jogging or jogging, swimming and other exercises.The third very important factor to lose weight is a program that you do.Actually you do not need a program if you are the perfect person and always perform everything that you have said you will do. As you and I know you are human, however, it is good every day to make a plan for the next day. Write in a book, what would you eat and at what time and what you do as a sport. Carry it every day and never leave tomorrow with the hope that it will catch up. However, as I said, the most important thing about losing weight is the will and the discipline to follow your plans. The best weight loss is about two pounds per month. I am a supporter and a little faster weight loss, although it is not as useful, but believe me I know you want to see quick results, so you can purposes even 3.5 kg a month, but please do not overstep this limit because it may harm their health.
  • Hello,Yes it is possible to lose weight without exercising. However if you do you will speed the process considerably. The first thing you have to change is what you eat. here are some basic tips:* drink lots of water *don't east processed foods * eat plant Based food *don't eat animal fats * eat lots of fiber * don't drink soda and don't consume refined sugar to lose weight you have to eat in a certain way and exercise in a certain way. Basically you have to combine those 2 things together. So have a meal plan and an exercise plan.having those 2 points covered you start seeing difference in your body in about 3 weeks.... after 6 weeks in noticeable and with 12 weeks your body is definitely changed.To make that process easier I would suggest you to check out some Weight loss programs. They come with everything included, meal plan, exercises plan, recipes, calorie tracks, videos and whatever you can imagine.Definitely would make your life easier and would speed up the process tremendously. I can tell you from my own experience. here is an article that is pretty interesting it has the best weight loss programs of 2013.***Here is an example of what you should eat; (day example) - Eat every 3 Hours***Breakfast: 1/2 Cup Cooked cereal (from health food store) in water with rolled oats and wheat bran.option: add some banana, walnuts and berries. Snack: Fresh fruit and Green teaLunch: tuna or turkey ½ sandwich on multi-grain (not just whole wheat) bread with bean or alfalfa sprouts, fresh fruit. Snacks: Fruit smoothies or 1/2 peanut butter jelly sandwichDinner: salad with white meat chicken and fresh veggies Or grilled fish with steamed veggies.List of veggies for salad:tomatoes, 2 kinds of lettuce, 2 kinds of shredded cabbage, shredded or sliced carrots, alfalfa or bean sprouts, zucchini, green or red peppers, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, tofu, cottage cheese, spinach.Snacks: Fruit andchamomilee tea*Avoid junk food, fast foods, gluten, pastries, desserts, syrup (even canned fruit in syrup), fat/grease (pork, wieners, chops, bacon, salami, pizza, chips, fries), pasta, potatoes, ramen, popcorn, white bread, rice, canned veggies, ice cream (it's lard + chemicals), chips, tobacco, alcohol (kills brain cells). no oil except olive and mac nut. Sodas (loaded with toxins; leads to stroke, obesity, kidney damage, high BP and inhibits bone growth in kids), anything with sugar (cancer cells feed on sugar, it wreaks havoc on your liver, mucks up metabolism, impairs brain function, makes you more susceptible to heart disease and diabetes),*To keep your skin clear, drink water, tea, veggie juice, unsweetened fruit juice.Join a gym; they have all the equipment and staff to show you how to use it to get the look you want to achieve, but you have to ask them. Much cheaper than buying your own equipment. Go hiking, biking, jogging, bowling, swimming, rowing, jump rope, play tennis, badminton, volleyball, soccer, jumping jacks, lift weights, trampoline? To tone your stomach, do sit ups, push ups, pull ups, leg lifts, butt raises, Squats (lots of them) and crunches. check out this article: more energy, take Super B complex. Try appetite suppressants and Coffee ;)A good routine is a split routine:Monday: Chest/Back/AbsTuesday: Shoulders/Biceps/TricepsWednesday: Quads/CalvesThursday: Shoulders/AbsFriday: Hamstrings/Low BackHope that helps,for more info go to or send me an email :)


Unknown said...

Belly fat and aging are linked through the master hormone for almost everything related to health and longevity: human growth hormone (HGH). Unfortunately, the age-related loss of HGH is made worse by gaining fat. Loose the fat and increase the healthy life span. Further information read the article from blog Intermittent fasting. Thank you for this informative blog

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