why am I gaining weight so fast?

Ok so I ate breakfast this morning and was moving around all day and lost about 4 pounds. And now its almost lunch time and im gaining weight literally every few minutes I gain like .1 pounds. And im worried and don't know if I should eat or not (im trying to lose weight) or why this is happening. Thanks!

How to Help Your Family Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Water and drinks have weight. Did you drink a lot? Just weigh yourself in the morning first thing when you wake up, before any eating or drinking to get your true weight. Don't weigh yourself during the day, your weight will fluctuate too much. You could be 5 lbs. too much at night and then in the morning that 5 is all gone. Don't eat before you go to bed, drink plenty of water during the day, it helps your body to get rid of toxins and have better metabolism. You need water.


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