Soft Drinks Are Bad For You?

Is this another health myth- apparently soft drinks are bad for you?.. I am addicted to sodas and on a normal day I will have 3-4 cans of coke and / lemonade. Haven't experienced anything nasty or bad so far.

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Check out Sodas- soft drinks are bad for you. They are non-nutritious- give you no essential nutrients your body needs and they pose several health risks. Sodas contain high amounts of sugar. Drinking is usually easier than eating and your body absorbs liquid sugars much faster.. Some children and adults drink 2-3 litres of soda a day. So empty calories gained from added sugars in soft drinks are the number one culprit of overweight and obesity in the Western world.A Yale university study found that drinking sweet beverages make people eat more, as their bodies don't identify the empty calories gained from drinks easily. There is roughly 10 teaspoons of sugar in a can of soda. Sugar is highly addictive and the more you consume the more you will want, the more unstable your blood glucose levels will be and the more weight you will gain.There are many studies that find no link or a very weak link between obesity and soft drinks too. They are usually supported and funded by the beverage industry.Soft drinks are bad for you.. Potential health risks of regularly drinking sodas include bad inflammation in blood vessels, obesity, lower levels of good cholesterol, cancers, heart disease, strokes, kidney damage, liver failure (fat accumulation in liver), hypertension, depression and learning disorders.Regularly consuming soft drinks may cause changes in your metabolism and muscles just like you have type 2 diabetes, your muscles using sugar for energy rather than burning fat. Your body becomes less able to cope with the rise in blood sugar. The energy you get from it lasts very short and is followed by fatigue.Sugar, citric acid and chemicals in fizzy drinks can destroy your teeth. Risk of tooth erosion, enamel fracture, tooth sensitivity, decay and pain is increased greatly by regular consumption. In one study, extracted tooth kept in fizzy drink for two days lost 5% of its mass, while in another study it took only one week for the tooth to become a jelly mass.Brominated vegetable oils- BOV commonly used in soft drinks are banned in many countries as they may cause memory loss, headaches, tremors, loss of muscle coloration and can even be deadly.Soft Drinks Are Bad For YouWhen you give up sodas you often go through withdrawal symptoms- bad headaches, distress, restlessness and moodiness just like when you cut out the daily coffee they drink, because of the addictive sugar and caffeine. So you are better off cutting back on soft drinks gradually, if not you will most likely go back to drinking heaps as your body won't be able to handle the pain.Fizzy drinks may change your eating habits for life by first giving you a sweet tooth, then a taste for high salt and high calorie..

Other Answers:

  • It's bad for your teeth!!!! Don't!!!!
  • There are 17 cubes of sugar in one 500ml bottle of Coke...They are full of chemical. I have stopped drinking them now.
  • Ver unhealty
  • They're bad I'm excessive quantities.
  • Sodas are extremely unhealthy, especially coke. First and foremost, it has a lot of artificial (man made) sugars and those are very bad for your heart. The more soda you drink the faster your heart rate is, and your heart rate should be at about 60 beats per minute, give or take a few beats. Second, soft drinks have been linked to high blood pressure, obesity, kidney problems, and much more. Web MD can explain this far better than I can, so check it out. soda every once in a while is OK, but drinking 3-4 cans a day is very bad. I suggest you slowly decrease the amount you drink; so start cutting back to just two cans a day, then one, then a can only on special occasions. And drink plenty of water; water is the best liquid you can drink.
  • Yes, they are bad for you. Keep up this kind of intake and eventually it will catch up with you.'So far' isn't forever.
  • Yes. soft drinks are the worst you can get. immediately stop them if you want a sexy fit body!
  • Yes they are very bad for you. THEY ARE TOTAL JUNNNNNNNKKKK FOOD! They contain zero nutritional value, just empty calories and chemicals. Most of them will dehydrate you. Excessive soft drinks can contribute to causing diabetes! Did you know that coke can be used for things like dissolving rust and killing snails? It is because of the acid, which also is not good for your stomach.So I know how addicting this stuff can be. I used to be like you, but it is not worth it to get older and have crappy health just because you liked soda.What you need to do is simply cut it out of your diet for a few days, and then don't go back to it. Once you have gone about ten days you will stop wanting it as much. After probably about 20 days you won't even care. You won't remember how much you like it, and it will be no big deal at all. Then when you have some it probably won't even taste the same to you.I used to love coke. Then I stopped drinking it. Now it just tastes weird and a little gross to me. Another more healthy choice if you have to have soda is to only have sodas such as gingerale which do not contain caffein. You can do this as a stepping stone to quitting soda all together. it still gives you the fizz and sugar you are addicted to, but cuts one of the bad ingredients. Then start drinking more water.I promise that several days of cutting out all together will make you not care nearly as much about it. You just have to stick to it those first ten days or so.Good luck.


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