Is it okay to cheat on my diet once in a while?

I've been making good progress with losing weight. I've lost over 20 pounds in the course of 1 month and I'm steadily going down each week. I cut out all of the junk and fast food in my diet and have attempt to be more and active and exercise. Do you think it's a good idea for me to cheat? I'm thinking about ordering a pizza out tonight, but I'm scared that I might back to my old eating habits if I do. This is only going to be a once a month time thing.

How to Be Lazy and Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

That's awesome! Keep up the good work Stephon! A cheat once in a while isn't bad. Just know your limits and you'll be okay.

Other Answers:

  • Yes it's called a cheat day :)
  • A small cheat is okay, but don't make it an everyday thing. Keep up your good work! :)
  • Everything in moderation.
  • No! What Kind Of Dieter Are You?
  • Have a slice, a single slice, and then be happy. Just don't let it turn into a binge.
  • Even though cheating off your diet is ok and helps you stay on track and not get too depressed it's very important you control your cheats. This is becuase if not regulated properly a cheat day can undo all your work and bring you back to square one. To prove to you do this I'll note down an avreage example of a food diary.For this diary we are going to say that the person's body burns 2500 calories every day.Monday -> Eat 2,200 calories (300 below maintenance)Tuesday -> Eat 2,200 calories (300 below maintenance) Wednesday -> Eat 2,200 calories (300 below maintenance)Thursday -> Eat 2,200 calories (300 below maintenance)Friday -> Eat 2,200 calories (300 below maintenance)Saturday -> Eat 2,200 calories (300 below maintenance)So through out the week the person will have consumed 300 x 6 = 1,800 Calories less than he should have so he/she will lose the weigt.But let's say that when Sunday comes in it's his/her cheat meal and in this meal he/she consumes 3,700 Calories(which mind you is very easy to consume that much on a cheat meal) there the person would ahve consumed 3,700-2,500= 1,200 Calories more than he/she should have.So in that one meal the person would have nearly rolled back all the work he/she would have done.
  • Hi,I think you are cheating yourself not to others.if your losing weight than it is helpful to you not to others.
  • I don't think people should cheat on their diets until they have reached their goal weight. You put all that hard work in then put on 2 or 3 pounds for a cheat! seems silly.
  • beware of pizza:)if you want to cheat on the diet like this, invite your friends to your place and eat pizza together with them.
  • its actually the BEST thing to do ...
  • As long as you don't eat the whole box lol.
  • You have lost 20 pounds in one month, by cutting out junk and fast food from your diet and you're being more active and exercising, this really shows that you are committed to your weight loss! You should be proud of yourself and keep up the good work! Diets are a good way to lose a fair amount of weight quickly but here is something that no one is talking about... diets don't really work, because unless you're planning on being on it for the rest of your life and have the willpower to do that as soon as you stop the diet you will gain the weight right back. Many people actually gain back MORE weight then they lost after stopping their diets. Is is because when people diet they tend to try to go very extreme with it and when they "cheat" or "fall off the boat" they go right back to their old ways of eating or even binge eat because they have gone so long without the food they love. What you need to do is make a life style change. You need to set guidelines for HOW and WHAT you are going to eat from now on and make it realistic that that you can stick with the plan for what should be a lifetime so that you never have to gain back the weight and go on a diet again. This is about balance and quality of life because lets face it pizza is delicious and it is ok to have a little good food once in a while, think 90-10 rule, 90% healthy 10% indulge :) so don't be discouraged about the diet thing its actually easier to make a life style change then to go on a diet! The key here is to set general guidelines around the junk food your going to eat. An example would be pizza - how often are you going to eat it? your answer would be once a month so thats a good place to start, but also ask yourself, how much should you eat when you do indulge? what is something that you can do to help remind yourself to stay in your limit? Is there someone or some way that you can hold yourself accountable to sticking with your plan? Strategize about how to make it easier for you to avoid those temptations, and ways to make it easier to have less when you do indulge in food that is less healthy. I hope this was helpful, if you would like to get more support check out this website you can get a free strategizing session to help you on your way, and keep you on the path to healthy living. Keep up the good work, Eileen


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