How long will i take me to gain 25 lbs?

I'm about to be 17 in about a month. My body type is tall and lean. I'm 140lbs and 5'10 and I'm sure I have a high metabolism because this past summer I ate whatever I wanted and still didn't gain any weight. But I'm playing varsity football this year and wanna take lifting and sports more seriously since I'm a junior now. My team lifts Monday and Wednesdays sometimes Saturdays. I want to eventually try to get to about 180lbs if posibble. So if I lift 2-3 times a week how long should it take me to gain 25lbs. Also if you can give me any tips on how to gain more muscle diets ect. it would be much appreciated.

How to Lose Weight Fast on Fable 2

Recommended Answer:

Well, your body can only build 4lbs of muscls per month, any other weight you gain is fat but that is unavoidable. * it is impossible to gain muscle without fat as well as lose fat without a little muscle lost.In order to gain muscle, you need to bulk ( eat more calories then your body uses everyday) this is when you only lift weights with no cardio and eat plently of carbs and proteins. This will cause your body to panic into thinking it needs to build muscle.After a few months, typically 3 or more, you can start a cutting phase. This is where you go from taking more then you need to taking in less then you need while doing the same weight lifting with cardio after your workout. This will cause you body to want to keep the muscle you have gained but use the fat you have as fuel for energy so you will have a good ratio of muscle and lottle fat on your body. And remember, calories are more important then a good workout. Thats why you always see overweight people in the gym everyday but never see any results because they never want to change their diet. Good luck

Other Answers:

  • 1 fuckin year!! I know it doesn't sound like good news but that's the truth man
  • get Tim Ferris' book, the 4 hour body.................. he has a food plan.. plus ways to for example, gain 10 pounds of muscle in 30 days.. gain 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days. he spells out exactly what to do, and it's very doable and effective.higher weights, lower reps = bigger muscle
  • To grow taller plenty of protein, calcium, vitamin D and zinc all help. To reach your potential height you need adequate sleep (from 8-10 hours per night), adequate calories and a normal healthy diet. Plenty of protein from eggs, meat, poultry, sea food and dairy products helps as well as calcium from milk, cheese and other dairy products. You also need plenty of zinc from red meat, oysters, mussels, nuts and seeds and zinc fortified cereals such as Weetbix. Vitamin D3 via the Sun also helps. Girls usually stop growing at 15 and in most cases any further height growth from 15-21 is insignificant but there are exceptions such as late bloomers. Guys usually stop growing at 18 and in most cases any further height growth from 18-25 is insignificant but there are exceptions such as late bloomers. Under eating and under sleeping can, to some extent, stunt your height growth. Exercise does not help your height growth and smoking can actually reduce your potential height by a whole inch. Too much junk sugar can reduce your HGH level as in item 40 in You can see further tips in a web search for "how to grow taller naturally".


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