How can I lose 20 pounds of fat WITHOUT losing musle?

After doing lots of research about weightloss, I've learned to not care what the scale says. Because muscle weighs more than fat.Once, I got all exited because I had lost 4 pounds according to the scale, but I looked heavier! Lol. I think I lost muscle that time and then gained a little fat.Anyway, how can I lose 20 pounds without losing muscle, or gain alittle muscle while losing 20 pounds if that makes sense. Lol.Thank you.

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Recommended Answer:

i have an extremely effective diet you could follow if you wish ...its low carb...HIGH protein ...moderate fat for 1 week only then from the 2nd week onwards knock out the fat completely but keep the other two exactly the same...1st WEEK ONLY - so just to clarify a touch.... eat just fibrous complex carbs such as brocolli and cauliflower with .protein from wherever you want / powders etc ...and the fat well that's 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil at 3 meal times so have your meal and then take a tablespoon of this oil ...basically you will be lowering your glycogen so your body will have to find an alternative energy source and that will be your OWN stored fat AND the dietary fat when you knock out the fat from the second week your body will continue feeding from fat but ONLY from your body ... you will lose an incredible amount as THAT is the only energy source long as your keep your protein intake HIGH and your carbs LOW while continuing with the strength resistance exercises ...cardio is great first thing in the morning on an empty stomach as that magnifies the HUGE stored fat loss...btw... don't forget to .drink PLENTY of water ....and have 1 refeed POST workout per week to obtain the anabolic insulinogenic response from 'starchy' complex carbs ...oats and whey protein mixed together in water (5 times in that day) ...this will ramp up your metabolism ...increase your Leptin and give your muscles a valuable dose of glycogen ...return to the diet next day...

Other Answers:

  • Try cardio such as running or situps
  • Get enough protein. 1gram of protein per 1lb of lean body mass(muscle). If you're 100lb 10% bodyfatis. You will need 90grams of protein. You will lose no muscle if you get enough protein. But you will lose strength. And if you don't workout you will lose a lot of strength. But it will be easy to get back
  • Try and do cardio that doesn't focus on the muscle.


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