How to get gain a lot of weight?

I am almost-eighteen and I weigh 37 kg (81 pounds). I'm five feet three. My BMI is 15. I need help gaining weight.I am lactose intolerant. Oily and sweet things give me zits. I haven't had anything oily since early middle school I think. Even back then I was horribly underweight.I need a diet which would help me gain at least a few kilograms. I am tired of looking like a walking stick.Any help would be highly appreciated.

How to Lose Weight Fast Without Buying Anything

Recommended Answer:

Eat what I eat! Lol! Just kidding I had a BMI of 15.5 & had to actively gain weight to avoid leaving uni (tutor, lecturers & doctor thought I was going through anorexia). Truth is I partied too hard, barely slept & ate snacks when I got the chance which caused the weight loss. I started by drinking coke floats (coke & vanilla ice cream) before going to bed and eating a lot of red meat and bacon. Try doing weights at the gym & taking in lots of protein. Muscle weighs more that fat so this might be an easier way to gain weight. Increase portion sizes slightly every time you have a meal, this will increase your stomachs capacity. Eat a lot of carbs as well; rice, bread, potatoes and pasta. Gaining weight takes a lot longer than losing weight and it's harder to do so don't expect results straight away.

Other Answers:

  • for desperate weight loss,weight gain increase in stunted growth,have your ex back,win a court case,promotion in your place of work and lots more contact dr okun of or call his mobile on +2348076508617 for weight lost spell
  • I probably get how u don't want to eat like a lot of junk food because it will make u sick. But perhaps have a salad to get ur greens and a big plate of pasta. If ur gonna eat junk food throw somethin healthy in there, so u won't loose ur protean.
  • Food is not the only way to gain weight. Try sleeping early and sleep a lot.
  • natural wholegrains. oatmeal, rice, bread, potatoes. carbs. lots of them. protein also, in every meal, in this proportion: x protein + 3x carbsdont forget the vitamins.thats the easy part. the tough part is stuffing your mouth every 2 hours. get ready for not feeling hungry once for months on end. as you're lactose intolerant, you should put a rice milk box next to your bed before going to sleep. drink till youre full when you wake up. you might want to look into protein shakes, as I dont think rice milk contains sufficient protein to go just by that during the night.


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