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Sweet heart, lose the beer. That's what's making you put on. Limit yourself to 2 slices a day. Might I make a suggestion, if you love your bread don't quit it completely. It must be part of a balanced diet. Toast is more healthier then normal bread. Dry toast. Eat 2 slices of dry toast every morning. It clears your throat like a bottle cleaner cleaning a baby's bottle. Carbonated drinks and alcohol are a bug no no. Drink fresh fruit juice that you made yourself. Eat food you made yourself. You getting up to make your own food, is burning calories. Oh yeas, drink rooibos tea or any tea with no milk and use low calorie sweetener if yu must. Stay away from milk chocolate and eat dark chocolate, a block after every meal. Exercise regularly and don't worry about assholes at gym. You are there to lose weight. When you one day walk in. There with a sexy lean body they will all be dying for, you can pay yourself on the back. Remember smaller meals, but more meals. Chew your food attest 20 times and don't please don't think you hungry you can cheat . You starve but you must make your own food. And when you reach gold weight, which you will, you can buy me a chocolate!Other Answers:
- I stopped having bread a while back. Although I don't have much belly fat my stomach does feel a lot better and I don't get bloated as much.
- bread is a wheat product and it wont cause you to gain calories or fat.. so there is no need to be worried about that. you can have bread in your breakfast or dinner. if you are trying to lose the belly fat do excercises like skipping and shuttle badminton. hope my answer will help you. :-)
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