Insecurity about my body is taking a negative toll on my emotions?

Let me just say that this might be a little long but I would honestly appreciate it so much if you guys would take some time to just hear me out because I really don't know who else to turn to at this point.I was never really ever insecure about myself. I find myself fairly attractive-- I liked what I see in the mirror. Boys always give me attention and getting a compliment and attention from someone always comes easy for me. Because of that, I never really felt like there was anything for me to feel insecure about despite my flaws.I'm 15 years old, 5'4" and 140 pounds. I've been developing a really negative image about my body lately. Whenever I look at myself in the mirror, I would hate what I see. I look at myself in my clothes and think that everything would look so much better if I was skinnier. I've been making myself really unhappy lately. I find it really hard to commit to eating healthier because I never know what to eat while still being able to enjoy my food. Whenever my friends and I go out and eat junk, I sulk about it for days and would sometimes even go running immediately after I get home cause I feel so disgusted.I desperately wanna lose some weight, and when I say some I literally mean all 40 pounds so that I'd only be 100 pounds, which really isn't healthy for me but that's what I want. I can only exercise 30 minutes a day because I have asthma and that's as much as I can do without getting an asthma attack. I usually do HIIT workouts cause those are supposed to be effective for weight loss. Despite everything, losing weight is still such a challenge for me and I'm slowly losing hope..I feel like I look ugly in every picture I take and I can no longer take a compliment without feeling like I'm being lied to. I can't even enjoy my food anymore because I always obsess over the nutrition facts and can't give myself a cheat day without making myself feel like crap. I don't know what to do with myself anymore and I just really need tips or some kind of motivation to keep me focused on my goal so I could be somewhat happy about myself again. I honestly feel like I'm going down a destructive path and an eating disorder is the last thing I wanna develop.

How to Lose Weight Fast With Yoga

Recommended Answer:

First of all, Insomnia, stop telling yourself that you're "not any good," because that will only convince you that it's really true--even though you have no valid reason for believing that it is. If you want to do better, (in anything at all), you can, as long as you first realize that you've got a problem with something--which, in thiscase, is your daily diet. Don't let your physical appearance be the one & only deciding factor. You can, of course, make yourself look healthier--and that is what is meant, by the old saying: "You are what you eat." (If you eat a lot of junk food, then you can't expect to look at all healthy.) So, you need to balance out your daily diet. You also need to develop a good routine for personal hygiene. Eating lots of junk food will be very bad for your facial complexion, as well as put a lot weight on you. It will take time to develop these things, but give yourself a chance --and if you really practice, you'll find soon enough it was worth the effort.I wish you the very best.

Other Answers:

  • Well the thing is my friend, is that the reason you feel this way is because we are constantly surrounded by this idea created by society that we have to look like Barbie and Ken dolls, that we have to be underweight. When really, the skinny girls you see on TV probably are not healthy, they may "look" it, but they are not. It's under the average size and isn't good for you. Society should not make you feel that way, and you as a person shouldn't fall victim to such a silly thing. You need to realize that you are not overweight, you are fine. It's really sad to see people suffer this way because no one should have to feel ugly. Everyone is beautiful, but at the same time, everyone is ugly. Not everyone is going to think you're pretty. It's a sad truth, but it is the TRUTH. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Please, stay strong and realize that you are just as beautiful as anyone else. Chin up! :)


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