How do you deal with body image issues?

This is such a typical teenage thing, I know, and in the logical part of my mind I know it's all rubbish, but, there are people out there with certain body shapes and sizes, and the whole world thinks they are beautiful, and then there is you, and you don't have a body that is that image of beautiful. And what if you wanted to be beautiful? But the world only seems to define that certain body image as beautiful. What do you do?I didn't bash the body type at all. o.0?

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First of all when I look at magazines, I remember that every single photo has been retouched. Any photoshop before and after picture shows you that all those actresses and models look just as bad as us before loads of makeup and retouching. Secondly, I look in the mirror and turn a blind eye to the bits I hate. I look at the good parts of my body. Then I look at the worse part and realise that they are not actually that bad. Sure, I have a fat tummy, but my waist actually has a lovely curve. My eyes could be bigger, but they are a lovely colour. Stuff like that. I accept what I have and realise I am not as bad as I see myself.I look online and see that even though lots of people raves bout stick insect models, they love bigger women just as much. It's not 'the whole world' who love models, just some. The amount of people who seem like they care is hyped up by magazines and television, but that certain body image is not as desired as they make it look. Look at the plus size craze, any beauty website will tell you that curvy women are desirable. People envy and love Nigella Lawson's figure,and she has curves. Men love both small and tall and fat and thin women, they dont have a preference for a 'perfect' woman, as it is subjective. In that way, everyone is beautiful. You cant just assume people want Kate Moss clones, everybody is attracted to something different. There is no 'type' we have to aspire to. Some guys may like skinny girls, some like curvy ones. Mostly, I find that the boys I have dated dont actually give a crap about how I look. In fact, whilst I think I am overweight, they have called me hot and sexy, making me realise that nobody is as unattractive as they see themselves. Most guys will date a girl who is funny, clever and friendly over beautiful, because at the end of the day, people fall in love with personality over looks. That is a cliche but so true.The best way for women to be beautiful is to beam with happiness. Know why? Because a genuine smile that reflects inner beauty actually turns into outer beauty. If you want to feel beautiful, or your own personal definition of beautiful, then learn how to become that. A fast way is to dress for your body shape, groom yourself, wear nice lingerie etc. Even a pair of earrings can instantly make you feel glam. Above all, confidence in yourself is what makes you sexy to others. You must learn to love yourself before others can. Confidence is the most obvious and tell tale sign about somebody. Who gets complimented more, the shy girl in the corner hiding away, or the one that walks with her head up and draws attention to herself with her confidence?There is this whole 'real and fake' argument going on. Everyone is real, obviously, but some more than others. For example, models arent always naturally skinny, we all know they are starved and unhealthy and anorexia is a horrid disease. The best thing you can be is your natural body shape and a healthy weight that suits your height. Dont conceal your body, emphasise it! Dress for your shape and bring attention to your good bits. I hide my tummy with black clothes but I emphasise my bust with low cut tops. Something as simple as eating and drinking healthy as well as doing exercise will make your appear glowing and make you feel positive. Never resort to extremes such as crash diets and surgery.

Other Answers:

  • Definitely not by bashing another body type. So many people do this, and its not helping . You can try losing weight to boost your confidence
  • First, you have to learn how to accept your body and that you're you and you cant change that, and second if you don't like how it looks either exercise more or eat more, just don't turn to not eating or starving yourself because you don't like your body image
  • Well I think that there maybe people out there with the 'perfect' body, but they might also be Extremley insecure. I say that this world can be twisted & stupid, and I don't think you should believe in what society thinks is beautiful. What I would do is try to embrace my body because it is beautiful, & mine and ignore negative feelings that I see or hear. Learn to love and embrace your body!!! I know you are beautiful in your own unique ways & I know many people would agree! :) goodluck!!
  • Your right... rubbish. lighten up. How many people do you think have the same feelings? If you are taking reasonable steps to keep your body from getting out of shape by not eating the wrong foods all the time and getting regular exercise out of doors and giving the video games a rest, you are doing the right thing for your body. Nature will take care of the rest.


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