How to start losing weight when people always make fun of me?

Maybe it's stupid but always when i tried to lose weight people maked fun of me or when i just passed by . I hate it even to go outside because of them . But if i want to lose weight i must go out and run , exercise in the gym or whatever and dont know what to do about them . I try to ignore them but i still can see their look and their laugh .

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Recommended Answer:

To start your diet, I would recommend a lot of fruits (2-3 pieces of fruit a day), veggies (lunch and dinner), whole grain granola bars, etc. Try not to eat anything processed, always stick to healthy dishes like salmon and salad or a healthy chicken wrap. In terms of exercise, go to the gym every day (one day off a week) for like 1.5-2 hours. You will really start to see a difference once you cut the fatty foods out of your diet and start working out your body. Make sure though that this diet is for you and not for the people who bully you. You must gain a sense of confidence and self-identity in order to surpass the bullies. I am a total geek but people who used to bully me see that I am a competent individual with a sense of moral high ground and they stopped messing with me. Also, it always helps to ignore bullies and NOT respond to any insults. They will see that you are not "worth their time" to make fun of and move on to some one else. Good luck in the future, hope everything works out

Other Answers:

  • Its gonna be worth it! :)
  • You've got to ignore them if you want to achieve your weight loss goal. But mostly there are things you can do in the house, Like not eating poorly fattening food, Go out and run whenever you like and let them see how much motivation they are giving you. You will have the last laugh.


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