How to gain fat (and or) muscle in my hips?

I am 17. And haven't grown since I was 11. I'm pretty short as well. But throughout my life, I have been teased about my hips. I have none what so ever! I would do countless of exercises, yoga and diets... Only to find out you need fat in the area to gain even the tiniest curve. So I resulted in gaining weight. It all went to my stomach. At the moment, I lost all I gained. And I'm pretty content with my waist. But my hips didn't move an inch. I have slightly large love handles and thighs. So it dips inward where my hips should be. It's awkward, girls laugh at me, and I feel extremely insecure about it. HELP ME!?And please don't tell me I need to wait till I'm older. I think I've waited long enough, I'm obviously not growing so just please be serious about this.

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Recommended Answer:

Girl.. I am definitely with you ! I am petite and wear a size 2. I'm 15. Girls have these beautiful curves while I sat there with nothing. I even tried to eat EVERYTHING I saw to gain weight, but like you, it wen't to my belly. BUT. I know you said you've tried exercises and yoga but I found something that totally worked. I do 100 regular squats, 100 sumo squats, and 50 donkey kicks on each leg. Before and after that workout i do hip opener stretches. I noticed so much around my hips and butt area. That my jeans are now booty tight and I got some curves(: I have only been doing this for about a month.

Other Answers:

  • Like the country gurls eat , cornbread, this is where the term cornbread fed comes gotta eat like Country bumpkins=) , i heard squats help shape hips.but most of all love what u have dear
  • eat 20x your body weight from calories1.5 grams of protein for each pound u weighan eat more proteins, an reduce sugars
  • Your goal should be to be fit and healthy. Don't gain weight trying to get hips if the result is fat around your core. We all have natural body shapes and even if you gain or lose weight, genetically you will still be that body shape, just heavier or thinner. If you are naturally a banana shape then you will stay that way.Once you get fit and toned then honestly the girls will have no reason to laugh at you. They may still tease you about not having curves but a fit and toned girl, no matter what shape she is, is more attractive than an out of shape girl any day, no matter what body shape the out of shape girl is.


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