How many calories should i be taking in?

Im a 21 year old male. 5'11 198 LBS. I want to get back to my high school weight of 185. I light jog for 20 min then do sprints for 10 min 4-5 days a week after work. My question is how many calories should I be taking in per day to lose weight quickly but still have fuel for my body. Thanks!

How to Help Lose Weight Fast On A Cheap Budget

Recommended Answer:

Easy. a simple formula to calculate how many calories to eat is to multiply the weight you want to be by 10.So 185x10 =1850 calories/day.If you want to lose weight quicker, you can eat less, but no less than 1200 a day.As for energy, eat some healthy carbs.

Other Answers:

  • I calculated your calories needs and of you want to lose on average 1 pound a week you should be eating 1950 calories on days you are sedentary and 2100 on days when you do activity. Hope this helped :)
  • You sound like a dirty b*srard!!!!!!!!!


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