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Hi mate.i dont know what the weight difference is but healthy weight loss is between 0.5kg-1kg a week. saying this of course you can lose more each week it just depends on how hard you train and how good you tips you can try - NOTE: results are different for everyone.try eatting around 6 meals a day 2 main meals such as breakfast and dinner and the other 4 meals are snacks such as banana mixed nuts etc. what this does is helps speed up your metabolism and try and drink around 3L of water a day to help all your organs inside work better.i cant give you a list of foods to eat as i dont know what you like but i can give you a list of foods to avoid.Ice cream, cream, fizzy, high sugar jucies, coffee, redbull/V's, potato chips, lollies KFC, maccas. if you havent realised already you basically want to get rid of any processed foods and try cut back on wheats and sugars/ for exercise - to start off with until you are happy with your weight and fitness do a fast pace walk/light jog for around 45 minutes once you feel a little fitter and better on your feet still run the same 45 minutes but every 5 minutes pick a point and sprint to it and then continue jogging. i do suggest lifting weights as this will increase the amount of calories you need every day, focus on main muscle groups at first and work the smaller groups laters (chest,back,legs) go for around 3 - 5 sets of a decent weight for 12 - 15 reps.if you want something really fun/hard if your gym has boxing bags you can set a little circuit up for your self example: 10 minutes no rest of1 minute on punching bag20 squats15 push ups10 bent over rows.and you can alter it you anything you like and how ever long you want to train for ( i sugguest these as you can always change it up and it keeps your heart rate up high)Other Answers:
- Hey i just want to say last year i went through a similar situation. After struggling for 3 months and my goal still hopelessly far away I turned to the one person i trusted most--and in the end it proved to be the solution. So it was late friday night the day before my deadline. In just a matter of hours i would partaking in my first tiathalon. If i didnt win my mother wouldnt have enough money for the surgery she desperatley needed. With no other option I too asked the Yahoo Answers. One user from the faraway african village with wifi responed with exactly what i had been searching for all those long months. I had to eat myself. Now hear me out! not only is human flesh highly nutrious but everything you eat will cause you to weigh even less! so on the the stroke of midnight I ate my own head. It was tough at the beginning as it was difficult to get my mouth on it but after 20 minutes i was down to my sholders. In the morning my legs and torso completed that triathoalon like a champ and they took the prize money i needed desperatly for my mother. Now thanks to that miraculous african yaho ansers individual my mother is still alive today! best of luck!
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