Vegetarians--How to get rid of cravings for meat?

I recently became a vegetarian(about three weeks ago) because of all the reasons combined--animals, ethics, environment, health, etc. I've always been a lover of all living creatures. Life is precious to me. But I've literally been eating meat for my entire life. I'm only sixteen. And my family still eats meat--like every night. And my cravings are almost unbearable. Is there a specific reason why I am craving meat, other than the fact that I have been eating it for my entire life? Is there anyway to curb my cravings? I'm a bit overweight and currently trying to lose weight and I'm scared that I may cave into junk food cravings to consol my meat cravings. I've been trying to eat healthier in general lately and combined with exercise, I've successfully lost twenty eight pounds. And I am absolutely terrified of gaining it back. My dad's a diabetic and he's the one who pushed me at first to lose weight and get healthier. I'm thinking about going back to eating meat--but only occasionally, like once every two weeks or so. I know that I won't be a vegetarian then. What is your opinion? Thanks.

How to Create a Meal Plan to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

LEt me first tell you, you are NOT craving meat. Are you craving uncooked, raw chicken? No.Raw uncooked beef, bacon? No.You are craving something in your mind. It is a mindset.What you may be missing ( there is a big difference) is the attachment you have to somethingcooked, slightly chewy, crispy on the edges, salty sweet, slightly mouthwatering, tart, tangy. WITH a lot of salt, pepper, vegetable seasinings. Even cooked flesh, did you eat it plain?No. You had ketchup, salt, garlic, pepper, mustard, herbs, spices.These are what people miss. Sit in front of a cold plate of raw flesh ripped off a dead carcass. As someone said, it's dead.Now, is that nice and tasty?no.SO, you need something glistening with fat, fried or slightly crispy at the edges, a bit saty sweet, chewy enough, and full of salt, fat, grease.So, fry some breaded seasoned potobellow mushrooms. Or a big fat juicy lentil walnut garlic burger, plenty of spices and fried onions inside it. A bit of caramelized yellow pepper on the side, some seasalt, fatty fries, and a load of buttery ( earth balance) peas and mint next to it. On a toasted fresh bun with sesame seeds and ketchup.Or a nice fat seitan steak, with pepper seasoned flour batter, giving it that crispy crunch before yeliding to that soft chewy interior.Or a gluten steak, chewy like anything from a dead animal, with spices, herbs and seasalt, and sweet potato mash. Or sweet and sour wheat meat ( also known as gluten or seitan) with noodles and orange sauce.There are sooo many ways to eat. Half the joy is making things yourself, even as a start up method to let you into the food easily.HEres a google search picture list on "seitan steak",or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.49478099%2Cd.Yms%2Cpv.xjs.s.en_US.c75bKy5EQ0A.O&fp=1a8ff6b4fb356c26&biw=1585&bih=1066This one is tempeh kebabs,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.49478099%2Cd.Yms%2Cpv.xjs.s.en_US.c75bKy5EQ0A.O&fp=1a8ff6b4fb356c26&biw=1585&bih=1066ANd these are the most "hippy" sounding of all, but a good way to dissolve the myth that this food isn't fantastic. Lentil burgers and fries- easy and so fun to make. Make your own versions.

Other Answers:

  • Just think about it. You are eating something DEAD. You are eating a piece of decomposing meat. Isn't that disgusting? Not to mention the absolute horrid fillers they put in meat. About 70% of meat at your local grocery is treated with 'Pink Slime', a beef filler made out of tendons, eyes, feet, and every part of the cow not normally used for food. And Ammonia. Ammonia is used in household cleaning products. It's in cat pee too. It makes me wanna vomit. :P You can read more on it here if you want to:
  • You have to be strong, when you have cravings eat something you enjoy but healthy. Bean chilly has a very meaty texture and satisfying. Tofu, seitan and tempeh are all great too.
  • SHOVE A BUNCH OF HEALTHY ORGANIC FRUIT DOWN UR THROAT SO MUCH TO WHERE U CANT FIT ANY MEAT IN THERE u might need to do this at first to help with ur cravings or if u have to... eat vegetarian meat vegie burger or vegie chicken nuggets or something there really really fucking goodINFACT ALOT OF MCDONALDS FAST FOOD BURGERS ARE ALMOST VEGETARIAN BURGERS SINCE LIKE 95% OF IT ISNT REAL MEAT LOOK AT THE INGREDIENTS IT CONTAINS ONLY LIKE 5-15% REAL MEAT THE REST IS BASICALLY VEGETARIAN MEAT
  • Short answer: Menu planning.Medium answer: Some people will argue, but your body needs about .4 grams of protein for every pound you weigh. So if you weigh 160, you need about 60 grams of protein. Daily. And if you're growing or working out you may need more.That's not too difficult if you're eating chicken, fish and other meats. Some semi-vegetarians eat organs such as liver, kidneys and tongue.My solution is to go to Vitamin Shop and buy their non-soy vegetarian protein powder. Soy is all GMO now, and it wasn't that good a source to begin with. But the non-soy has a mixture of various plant proteins, esp. pea. Just don't try to stir it into cold water, because it clumps up.
  • It's just a matter of being stronger than your cravings. You know the consequences. And if you do give in, you start over at your next meal.
  • they were gone completely within 6 months.
  • Just think about how you're eating something dead. Whenever I have a craving (which is almost never now) I think who would I be eating. I think about the alive side of animals not how people think they're food. Hope this helped!


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