If I eat 500 calories a day for a week how much weight will I lose?

I'm 5 feet and 128 poundsIf I only eat 500 calories a day for one week how much weight would I lose?With little exercise Please pass on the rude comments or you will end up in the hospital answers because I'm just curious, I'm not saying I'm planning on doing this so please just answer the question. Thank you :)Also I was wondering why people say if you don't eat you will go in to starvation mode when tons of people do things like water fasts and lose so much fat after the first three days?Thanks

How to Lose Weight From Face

Recommended Answer:

don't do that. anything below 1,200 cals is deemed medically unhealthy as you need so many calories for your body just to function properly.just make sensible diet choices. replace the crap food you're eating with foods high in protein with a smaller carb and fats intake.

Other Answers:

  • well there are 3,500 calories in a pound. i am 5'2" and 115 lbs and i lost 10 already. what i did was i stopped eating junk food except once a week, where ill eat a lil something. eating healthy is important so make sure if you want to loose weight that your eating healthy and know when you are full. i eat slowly and when i am halfway done with my plate, ill wait a few minutes so that i can figure out if i am still hungry or not. restaurants portions are 2 servings so make sure you know when you are hungry. also with exercising, i use an app to tell me how many calories i burned and i always have a little something afterwords, so ill eat half or less of what i burned. there is also another diet which 2 days a week you eat 500 or 600 calories i forget which and then the 5 days are normal eating schedules but you watch your intake which should always be 2,000 calories a day. but never put those 2 days next to each other. also in the diet you have to eat 3 times a day. starving yourself isn't good and i don't recommend it cause your body uses the proteins in your muscles and turns it into a protein that you need so you wont be loosing weight. also if you loose it in a week your body cant get rid of the extra skin (when loosing weight your body makes sure the skin looks like it does when before you lost the weight.. nice an snug around your body) but when you lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time, it cant get rid of the extra skin so you have extra skin hanging around.good luck!!! :)


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