How to lose 30 pounds in one and a half months?

I want to lose 30 pounds before school starts again (one and a half months) but i dont really know how to. In the morning i get up at 8 and workout for an hour. For breakfast i have 2 eggs. For lunch i have grapes. I also have yogurt for a snack. I dont know what else i can do. (Im a very picky eater)

How to Lose Weight by Eating Flaxseed

Recommended Answer:

I'm done with my weight loss journey and completely happy with how I feel and how I look right now however losing weight is a challenge for anyone and even losing 5 pounds and keeping it off isn't an easy task. Also I bet you didn't know that 5 pounds of fat is about the size of 8 cheese burgers? That alone should be enough to make anyone want to get on the ball and start a change for the better. Weight loss can be really easy to learn but the problem is nobody wants to put the required effort that is needed to actually do it, instead people continually look for (easy) ways to do it. If there was an easy way to lose weight I don't think 35% of Americans would be obese. There was a time when I also wanted to lose weight and was tired of starting diets only to lose motivation and give up just a few weeks later after seeing no results. However, let me tell you it is literally one of the easiest things you will ever learn once you find a good and reputable place to learn it from and I say that only because the world is filled with magic diet pills, liquid flush diets and a thousand other quick fixes that promise xx pounds of weight loss in the first week and even though it is impossible they know you're going to do it because your desperate. I have probably tried every diet pill, liquid flush diet, and ab rocket machine known to man and have had no success with any of them nor do I know anyone that has ever had any success with them. I have also tried starving myself which works very well for the first few weeks' right before your metabolism comes to a complete stop and eating just the tiny bit makes you gain weight and you end up weighing more than you did before you started starving yourself. Companies promote weight loss to make money not to get people healthy again and that's because they know you're not going to be a customer and buy their products if you're no longer fat. is a site I want you to go to when you have 10 or 20 minutes to spare and I want you to sit down and watch his video on weight loss. He helps people every day to lose weight I have never seen someone as committed as him and that will go so far out of his way to help someone. His weight loss program is one of the best I have ever had the enjoyment of doing and it is without doubt the best success I have ever had with any weight loss program. I also couldn't be happier with my body right now and I have never felt this wonderful in my whole life. In the end you just got to remember to stick with it and stay confident in yourself and in no time you can achieve the results you have always wanted. It's not hard to lose weight but most people have a hard time staying motivated and 9 times out of 10 it was because they weren't really committed from the beginning. Anyways I hope I helped you and I hope you make the commitment to change your body and life. Remember it's not easy to take the first step but you did, you're here right now taking it and the rest of the steps will fall into place. Have a wonderful day.

Other Answers:

  • Atkins diet, eat up to 20 carbs a day and subtract the sugar alcohols and fiber from your carb intake, also keep up with your work out.
  • If I was overweight and needed to lose 30 pounds, I would probably just eat a lot less and that would work. Thats probably not the best option because its not the healthiest, but it would be the easiest.You should do cardio exercises daily and eat roughly 2000 calories of "nutritious" foods each day. If there is a lot of weight around your stomach, then you can do ab exercises every other day as well to lose some weight.
  • 30 pounds in a month and a half is not healthy, and you will not be able to stay that way. You need to develop a lifestyle of eating healthy and exercising, not losing weight quickly, it will just come right back on.
  • eat less calories and exercise more and more

Can I just eat what I want and lose weight with Green Coffee Premium?

I can't resist food and its normally really unhealthy stuff. I wonder if this product will help me lose weight.

How to Lose Weight on the Subway Diet

Recommended Answer:

I used green coffee premium and I pretty much ate whatever I wanted with in reason of course...I mean I didnt eat much fast food and I tried as best I could to watch my calorie intake around 2000-2400 is what I would do daily and it worked out just great for me. i lost 37 pounds and it took about six months... I am very satisfied with the results so I highly recommend this product.

Other Answers:

  • No, it won't, it's all gimmick.
  • I tried it with my normal food intake... Chips, burgers, fries, chocolate etc and i still lose weight but it helped me a lot when i decided to take Green Coffee and avoid what i normally eat. So even if you don't change your diet you will still lose weight but the result will be much better if you take the pill together with a healthy diet :)
  • It should work, but not as much as it would if you try and be careful with your diet of course. The selection of food isn't that strict anyway, just try to lessen eating high calorie food and, well of course, junk food. Don't get me wrong though, Green Coffee Premium works, I've been on the program for around 4 months now and the results have been really good. Still, I hope you understand where I'm coming from. If you're serious with losing weight, you should be more dedicated in achieving your goal. Good luck!
  • I'm done with my weight loss journey and completely happy with how I feel and how I look right now however losing weight is a challenge for anyone and even losing 5 pounds and keeping it off isn't an easy task. Also I bet you didn't know that 5 pounds of fat is about the size of 8 cheese burgers? That alone should be enough to make anyone want to get on the ball and start a change for the better. Weight loss can be really easy to learn but the problem is nobody wants to put the required effort that is needed to actually do it, instead people continually look for (easy) ways to do it. If there was an easy way to lose weight I don't think 35% of Americans would be obese. There was a time when I also wanted to lose weight and was tired of starting diets only to lose motivation and give up just a few weeks later after seeing no results. However, let me tell you it is literally one of the easiest things you will ever learn once you find a good and reputable place to learn it from and I say that only because the world is filled with magic diet pills, liquid flush diets and a thousand other quick fixes that promise xx pounds of weight loss in the first week and even though it is impossible they know you're going to do it because your desperate. I have probably tried every diet pill, liquid flush diet, and ab rocket machine known to man and have had no success with any of them nor do I know anyone that has ever had any success with them. I have also tried starving myself which works very well for the first few weeks' right before your metabolism comes to a complete stop and eating just the tiny bit makes you gain weight and you end up weighing more than you did before you started starving yourself. Companies promote weight loss to make money not to get people healthy again and that's because they know you're not going to be a customer and buy their products if you're no longer fat. is a site I want you to go to when you have 10 or 20 minutes to spare and I want you to sit down and watch his video on weight loss. He helps people every day to lose weight I have never seen someone as committed as him and that will go so far out of his way to help someone. His weight loss program is one of the best I have ever had the enjoyment of doing and it is without doubt the best success I have ever had with any weight loss program. I also couldn't be happier with my body right now and I have never felt this wonderful in my whole life. In the end you just got to remember to stick with it and stay confident in yourself and in no time you can achieve the results you have always wanted. It's not hard to lose weight but most people have a hard time staying motivated and 9 times out of 10 it was because they weren't really committed from the beginning. Anyways I hope I helped you and I hope you make the commitment to change your body and life. Remember it's not easy to take the first step but you did, you're here right now taking it and the rest of the steps will fall into place. Have a wonderful day.

Weight loss advice for college guys?

Hey all, I wanted to seek out some weight loss advice for college guys. I'm looking to shed 50 lbs. I'm 6' 250lbs. For example, I'm in class full time and work full time in a corporation so I find it hard to hit the gym. I'm not weak though. I'm fairly strong despite having a little excess weight. I have no problem doing 1000 bicycles (ab exercise) followed by 50 complete sit ups and 20 push ups and planking for a minute or two. I'm firm underneath a layer of stomach fat. So any advice of any sort is helpful whether it be diet, or supplements (not weight loss pills), or exercise I can do outside of a gym easily. Thanks all!

How to Lose Weight Without Cardio

Recommended Answer:

If you want to lose 50 lbs, diet, exercise, and sleep are the combination you need. I. First, find out your basal metabolic rate: is the number of calories you would burn if you were asleep for 24 hours. II. Multiply that number by 1.2 and then subtract 500. That is the total number of calories you would be allowed to consume if you want to lose weight. III. Remember to do cardio vascular exercise. Muscle strengthening exercises are meant to build muscle, not burn fat. The only way to burn fat is through cardio. IV. Your body burns 500-600 calories while you are asleep. So make sure you get 8 hours of sleep each day. Otherwise, it will take you a lot longer to reach your goal.

Other Answers:

  • Eat smaller portions. Eat veggies, fruits mainly. Research as much as possible, whether that be with magazines, websites and esp. books. Try to reduce stress. Drinks water tons. Limit sugar and certain kinds of fat. Exercise I like biking. And take it day by day seeing what works best.
  • For weight loss, dieting is more effective than exercise.Reducing your intake of junk sugar will help as in items 22 and 106 in natural sugars in fruits are OK as they are metabolised to glucose slowly due to their high fiber content. Fruits are low in calories and are not fattening.Most fruits are metabolism boosting foods and most vegetables as well and that helps for weight loss.
  • you can walk daily for 30-45 as walking is helpful for your body.for supplements ,choose one program that is trusted and popular .
  • I'm done with my weight loss journey and completely happy with how I feel and how I look right now however losing weight is a challenge for anyone and even losing 5 pounds and keeping it off isn't an easy task. Also I bet you didn't know that 5 pounds of fat is about the size of 8 cheese burgers? That alone should be enough to make anyone want to get on the ball and start a change for the better. Weight loss can be really easy to learn but the problem is nobody wants to put the required effort that is needed to actually do it, instead people continually look for (easy) ways to do it. If there was an easy way to lose weight I don't think 35% of Americans would be obese. There was a time when I also wanted to lose weight and was tired of starting diets only to lose motivation and give up just a few weeks later after seeing no results. However, let me tell you it is literally one of the easiest things you will ever learn once you find a good and reputable place to learn it from and I say that only because the world is filled with magic diet pills, liquid flush diets and a thousand other quick fixes that promise xx pounds of weight loss in the first week and even though it is impossible they know you're going to do it because your desperate. I have probably tried every diet pill, liquid flush diet, and ab rocket machine known to man and have had no success with any of them nor do I know anyone that has ever had any success with them. I have also tried starving myself which works very well for the first few weeks' right before your metabolism comes to a complete stop and eating just the tiny bit makes you gain weight and you end up weighing more than you did before you started starving yourself. Companies promote weight loss to make money not to get people healthy again and that's because they know you're not going to be a customer and buy their products if you're no longer fat. is a site I want you to go to when you have 10 or 20 minutes to spare and I want you to sit down and watch his video on weight loss. He helps people every day to lose weight I have never seen someone as committed as him and that will go so far out of his way to help someone. His weight loss program is one of the best I have ever had the enjoyment of doing and it is without doubt the best success I have ever had with any weight loss program. I also couldn't be happier with my body right now and I have never felt this wonderful in my whole life. In the end you just got to remember to stick with it and stay confident in yourself and in no time you can achieve the results you have always wanted. It's not hard to lose weight but most people have a hard time staying motivated and 9 times out of 10 it was because they weren't really committed from the beginning. Anyways I hope I helped you and I hope you make the commitment to change your body and life. Remember it's not easy to take the first step but you did, you're here right now taking it and the rest of the steps will fall into place. Have a wonderful day.

How to intermittent fasting?

I'm at a stand still with my results in the gym. I want to try this out I'm looking at going for the 18 hour fast 6 hour feeding. Im use to eating every 3 hours and 25 min cardio in the morning then gym at night and 25 min cardio again after. I work out atleast 5-6 times a week. In doing a program in and this is my second time around and I'm just not seeing the same results. Can I keep up with the cardio and gym time if I do I.f

How to Calculate Calorie Intake to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Hey Matt, great question.Keep everything the same just do your cardio during the fasting period. When your not eating there's more chance your burning fat, so do your fasted cardio then to torch through the fat.Generally if your plateauing two thing is highly recommend you do is to manage your stress and sleep. You need to get 8 hours of unbroken sleep and reduce the gym time and let your diet and intermittent fasting do the work.There is way too much stress with your schedule. So to wrap things up:- do cardio fasted in the morning during the fasting period- get 8 hours of sleep- manage stress levels, 3-4 days of working out is all you needHope that helps Matthew.

Other Answers:

  • It gets really slow to respond when you are old.

Looking for a new laptop?

I'm looking to buy a new laptop, but don't want to spend a large amount on it. It doesn't have to be a gaming laptop; it just needs to be decently fast. I don't care PC or Mac I just want suggestions that are nice and won't completely break the bank. I'm looking around the $500 mark. Thanks so much for the suggestions!

How to Lose Weight With a Six Week Program

Recommended Answer:

This HP can be customized to what you need. If you want better performance upgrade the APU to a A10, dedicated graphihcs and increase the ram to 8GB.;pgid=c7twGfjc0ptSRpIq7ZUcoGXQ0000fb8mNv9y;sid=NID2W1inOb6JXwkRbh2qz4GoAJwzDmy78dUe8LW2AJwzDtPc7Kuhl6jI?HP-ENVY-15z-j000-Notebook-PC A8-5550M APU HD 8000 Series Graphics 6GB DDR3 750GB 5400 rpm HD Starting at $500 after rebateBrand buying adviseYou get what you pay for. Systems with high end parts with low prices are to be viewed with suspicion. They have to cut corners somewhere to get the price down. What cost you less today is going to cost you more tomorrow.Apple makes a good quality laptop. The problem comes when it requires service or minor upgrades. It is near impossible to do anything with them. They even glue the battery and hard drive down so you can not change it. They solder the ram to the logic board so you can not increase it. They lock up most of the software so your stuck with what they approve.Lenovo has serious stand behind their product problems. They bought IBM PC division and proceeded to drive the quality of the system into the ground. Their customer service is well below par. They even makes Dell customer service look good. Lenovo will not allow people to read instruction on how to access the BIOS menu or to get info on their puters on their web site unless you connect to them thru Facebook. They do this so they can spy on their users. The last and final thing to remember about them is they are a Chinese Government own company. It is up to you if you want to trust them.Toshiba, Panasonic, Sony should be avoided because of their heavy modification of Windows and the drivers. If you remove some of the bloat they install, you can cripple the system.Acer, Gateway, and eMachines should be avoided period. Low end system that are driving the race to the bottom.Dell once made a good system and fell from grace. They are now struggling to regain their place in the market. Customer service is one of many problems with this company.Alienware are glorified Dells and are more name then product. Priced extremely high for what you get. They do perform but you can get the same for less by looking around, just not packaged to be eye candy to the gamers.Samsung has a history of using cheap parts in critical areas. Capacitors has been one area Samsung has a known history of going cheap, causing units to fail early. For that reason I would avoid them.ASUS and HP do not modify Windows as bad as the other manufacturers. They have excellent build quality. They might add a lot of bloat but they also makes it easy to get rid of it.Ultrabooks are the higher end of Wintel laptops but they have some of the same concerns as Apple. They make it next to impossible to change any hardware in them. Service of them will have to be done by the manufacturers. With most of them, you can not change your own battery or hard drive. They are designed to catch your eye but they are not any more special then other laptops except for the fact that they are slim or thin. Your paying for it being thin and slim. For the money your going to spend on it you can buy a much better laptop with more power.Hybrids are the worse of the worse. The flip or detachable touch screens are just a disaster waiting to happen.Never buy an All In One. They are far worst then laptops of any kind to service and they have a higher failure rate. Choose wisely.

Other Answers:

  • 500$ is not going to be great speeds but for documents and basic things it should be fine. HP has some very good laptops for cheap. Check on bestbuys website for some good ones! hope this is useful :) good luck

What is the best at home workout program to lose weight?

Hi all, so I need to lose 10-20 pounds. I am currently 6'0 and 200 pounds. I would really like to get down to the 180-185 range. What is a great home workout program to do? Currently I go to the gym to do my normal lift schedule. However, I typically don't do cardio at the gym. A week ago I began running 3 miles per day in my neighborhood. So what is the best thing I can do to burn fat and become more cut? Will running 3 miles per day be sufficient, or do I need to do a more fast paced workout program like insanity? Please give honest answers, and do not promote crap for me to buy unless you use it and have seen results. Thank you!

How to Lose Weight with Chinese Herbs

Recommended Answer:

Well, if you are wanting to lose weight at home, because maybe you don't like doing cardio at the gym because I know I don't like doing cardio at the gym. Just try jogging/running everyday for maybe around 20-30 minutes, just keep on doing that and you'll lose weight in no time. Cardio will help burn calories in your body and the fat, so do exercises like, swimming, cycling, dancing, running/jogging, taking your dog for a walk, jumping on the trampoline etc.

Other Answers:

  • Sex

does Fat Loss Factor really work?

I've been thinking about doing Fat Loss Factor, and i just wanted to know if it works. and how hard is it to stay committed to it?

How to Lose Gained Weight After Bariatric Surgery

Recommended Answer:

Overall, I picked the Fat Loss Factor over many other weight loss products, because it's a great program with a mass of well organized and utilized information. Although the program requires time and effort, the methods are very easy to follow and understand, thus loss of motivation is significantly reduced. I also like the fact that we are given power to decide what path to follow regarding diet and exercise because what works for one person might not work for another, but it's also up to each person whether they are motivated and determined enough to lose weight. So the program is definitely worth a shot. Here is a review I found helpful before I bought the Fat Loss Factor

Can I be 5 months pregnant and don'k know it?

Since my unprotected sex 5 months have passed. He didn't ejaculate inside. I have no big tummy. Got 4 periods since than. No symptoms. Lost 10 pounds. Please somebody PLEASE tell me can I be pregnant? I freak out about it every single day. I cry a lot. I'm scared. During last week I wake up with the feeling of fullness in stomach. Don't feel like eating. I'm totally stressed. Please somebody help me

How to Lose Weight Without Getting Saggy Skin

Recommended Answer:

As u have 4 periods its a clear answer for u not being pregnant.Stop worrying, u have taken lot of stress so just relax get engage in something else . Its 100% u r not pregnant

Other Answers:

  • no, you are not pregnant, but something else is wrong.
  • ur not pregnant but i would see a me ur not pregnant
  • When an egg does not get fertilized in the fallopian tube, the egg gets released from the body entirely. In addition, because the egg did not get fertilized and did not attach itself to the uterine wall, the thickness of the uterine wall (which was awaiting a fertilized egg to attach itself to it) breaks down. The wall breaking down is what causes the bleeding; hence, your period. If you've had four periods since then, you're definitely not pregnant. What you may be experiencing right now is perhaps a medical condition of some sort or even a false pregnancy, which can occur if you keep thinking and stressing that you're pregnant when you're actually not. Stress can definitely cause your body weight to fluctuate (i.e. losing 10 lbs) as well as loss of appetite, abdominal cramps, bloating, etc.You're not pregnant, so stop worrying. Next time, use protection.

I need to lose belly fat. Tips?

I am currently on the advocare diet. It has taught me how to eat healthy and eat the right amount. I'm on day 7 of 24 and I've lost 5 lbs! My issue is that I'm losing weight, but not belly fat. I had my daughter a year ago, but still have a lot of fat on my belly area. I'm exercising (cardio) but I have to be honest, I'm weak and can barely do a push up. Any ideas on that too?? How do I lose the belly and gain strength? Thanks.

How to Lose Weight Like Tyra Banks

Recommended Answer:

It all depends upon what you are willing to do.Diet: The most effective, cheapest, and healthiest diet is veganExercise:Cardiovascular training is the best way to go to increase your stamina and lose weight. Although you could just run, you should probably be using a bike or an elliptical rather than running or the treadmill (high impact). Work in the heartrate range of 65% to 85% of (220-age). If you do not have a heart rate monitor, you should buy one. Polar is the best brand. Start of with about 20 min toward the low end of the range and gradually increase until you can do 90 minutes.Do it as often as you can, every day would be great. Do not plan on off days because those will come up anyway.There is no such thing as spot reduction. You can exercise other areas to tone them if you want but weight loss is all over. We have a genetic tendency to gain weight in certain areas but losing it is everywhere and involves all tissue types, not just fat. Bummer but the world is not fair.You could tone your arms with any of the curl machines, triceps extensions, or better the low rowing and bench press machines

What do I need to do to lose 25 pounds in under 2 months?

I am 21 years old turning 22 in October, I am 5"11 and I weigh 175, I'm trying to get down to 145 or 150, I don't know how many calories I eat or need to eat but I do eat a egg white omelette for breakfast with spinach and a slice of Swiss and 2 slices of turkey and for lunch I have a turkey sandwich with Swiss on wheat bread or a veggie burger on a whole grain 100cal roll with Swiss and no sodium ketchup and for dinner I have about the same and for a snack I might have a spoonful of peanut butter, I don't know how often to work out and do cardio and what to do when I do it, I'm looking for some kind of work out plan that I can do almost everyday if not everyday because I'm trying to get rid of this weight before I go to basic training at the end of the year for the Air Force, I do have access to a home gym that's got a lat pull down machine and a few benches and a bench press and alot of dumb bells, just looking for a good cardio work out plan or something to get this weight off, and by the way I'm a male

How to Lose Weight With Insulin Resistance

Recommended Answer:

Why must you lose weight? Have you already talked with the recruiter? If he told you to go down to 145, he is CRAZY. Your weight is fine for a guy of your height. (you are male, right??) But your diet does need improvement. Here's a good low-carb food/exercise plan:Breakfast: Cook 9-grain cereal (from health food store) in water with rolled oats and wheat bran. Make a pot of it on weekends and nuke 1cup each morning. Add low fat milk or yogurt, banana, walnuts and berries. Drink hot Ovaltine. Breakfast should be your largest meal of the day to raise blood sugar level which falls during the night.Lunch: Egg, tuna or turkey sandwich on multi-grain (not just whole wheat) bread with bean or alfalfa sprouts, yogurt, fresh fruit. If you had meat loaf for dinner, bring a meat loaf sandwich on whole grain bread (NO mayo). On cold days, a squatty thermos of hot chili, split peas with ham, or beef stew.Snacks: Fresh (not canned) fruit. Nothing ever from a vending machine. Dinner: salad with white meat chicken and fresh (not canned) veggies: tomatoes, 2 kinds of lettuce, 2 kinds of shredded cabbage, shredded or sliced carrots, alfalfa or bean sprouts, zucchini, green or red peppers, hard boiled eggs, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, tofu, cottage cheese...Instead of dressing, squeeze 1/4 tomato over it. Or homemade bean/vegetable soups; great way to recycle leftovers.Or grilled fish with steamed veggies.Or omelet: In blender, whip together eggs, tofu, cottage cheese, onions, garlic powder. Cook with mushrooms, chopped tomatoes and green or red peppers. If you're male, double the portions.Avoid junk food, fast foods, pastries, desserts, anything with sugar (cancer cells feed on sugar), gluten, syrup (even canned fruit in syrup), peanut butter, fat/grease (pork, wieners, chops, bacon, salami, pizza, chips, fries), pasta, potatoes, ramen, popcorn, white bread, rice, canned veggies, ice cream, soda, chips, tobacco, alcohol and coffee. No oil except olive and mac nut. To keep your skin clear, drink water, tea, unsweetened veggie and fruit juice. Join a gym; they have all the equipment and staff to show you how to use it to get the look you want to achieve, but you have to ask them. Much cheaper than buying your own equipment. Go hiking, biking, jogging, bowling, swimming, rowing, jump rope, play tennis, badminton, volleyball, soccer, jumping jacks, lift weights, trampoline? To tone your tummy, do sit ups, push ups, pull ups, leg lifts, butt raises and crunches.For more energy, take Super B complex.

I want to loose wait but I love junk food! Any healthy snacks to swap instead of junk?

I am in my early teens and I find that I am the only girl in my class who doesn't where bikinis or has big legs and it really makes me insecure! I try to exercise but I'm not good and eating right isn't working! Any tips on working out and eating healthier would be great and much appreciated! Thank you so much! Have a great day!

How to Lose Weight Fast with High Protein Food

Recommended Answer:

For weight loss, dieting is more effective than exercise. Reducing your intake of junk sugar will help as in items 22 and 106 in The natural sugars in fruits are OK as they are metabolised to glucose slowly due to their high fiber content. Fruits are low in calories and are not fattening. Most fruits are metabolism boosting foods and most vegetables as well and that helps for weight loss.

Other Answers:

  • Low fat yoghurt with unsalted nutsFruit salad with low fat ice cream
  • Eat deep fried lard dipped in chocolate and covered with cream cheese frosting. Have a large portion of this three times a day and you'll lose weight like crazy.
  • I'm like you, I love to snack so here are some healthy swaps:Chips: 1 serving of baked chips, Popchips, Mini bag of popcorn, or Special K Cracker ChipsCrackers and cheese: 1 serving of Special K Multi-Grain Crackers with one wedge of Laughing Cow CheeseBrownies: Fiber One BrowniePoptarts: Special K Pastry CrispsIce Cream: 1/2 cup of Blue Bunny Frozen YogurtOther snacks: 100 calorie packs of your favorite snacks, Fat Free Yoplait Yogurt, or 1 oz of chocolate (Yes, you can eat chocolate but in small amounts).
  • You're not taking this seriously enough that's your problem here. You just kinda want it. Like a wise man once said "When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, you'll be successful"Now that I got that out of the way, you can run around the block or ride a bike every day. As far as food goes, try drinking a glass of water before every meal. It will enter your stomach and hopefully stay there, taking up space making you eat less. Also try eating a lot more often but eating smaller portions. That way you're giving your body time process the food that would otherwise get stored as fat. Also try cutting down on the fast food :D
  • First find out how many calories you should consume per day. This will help you with some of the weight. Great snack foods to switch to are fresh fruits and veggies. Make veggie or fruit smoothies these are packed with vitamins and minerals but also don't have to many callories in them. As for working out do 10 push ups before and after bed and 25 crunches. If you want try some wall squats back straight against the wall then slide down until you look like your sitting in a chair. Hold your hands perpendicular to the ground and stay like this for 10 minutes. Stay away from bread and ketchup these are chalked full of calories. Also don't eat alot of salt. Salt makes you retain water making you look fatter than you are. Do some leg lifts and try running around the block a couple times per day. Any phisical stress you do only helps. If you can join a gym and if you don't want to pay for a membership then get an excersize bench and some weights. Count calories. I say try to stick to less than 1500 per day. Oat meal is filling and low in calories. Try adding a spoon full of peanut better and some cinnamon to it to add flavor. If you have to choose between diet or regular go regular. It doesn't have aspritain in it and it's got less salt. Stay away from sugar. Go for honey as a sweetener. Honey also lowers risk of heart dissease and lowers cholesterol.

Should I lose fat first before bulking up ?

I have a belly but I look okay in a shirt . A lot of people recommend to lose fat and try to at least get a 4 pack or 6 pack before I working out . Even though I'm fat I workout by body part . So should I stop lifting weight and try to be lean first or keep working out while have a belly ? I'm afraid if I stop lifting ,my muscle will go away .

How to Lose Weight Using a Treadmill

Recommended Answer:

yes... otherwise you just pile fat on fat and look like a big other guy above is totally correct just keep lifting and perform cardio ... this game is around 90% diet ...

Other Answers:

  • Do both cardio and lifting

How to get bigger boobs?

Is there a way to get bigger boobs ?? I heard if you gain weight it makes them bigger but how much weight would you have to gain ?? I'm 105 pounds 5"1 ft tall. And don't say wear a padded bra cause I already do.

How to Take Metformin Weight Loss

Recommended Answer:

If you wanna gain weight, DO NOT gain morbidly obese weight, cause it'll be hard to lose the pounds. Go up to, maybe up to 120-130, NO HEAVIER! like I said, it's gonna be really hard to get skinny again (but you'll still have bigger breasts)

Other Answers:

  • I'd have to see the boobs to advise an advisable strategy.
  • Let your mate suck on them and play with them
  • You can do a lot of exercises and things to make them bigger, like massaging them daily until they're red and kinda hurt. This should show pretty good results after a couple weeks maybe or a month. But if you feel like you really need them bigger now, you can even wear two padded ones at once. This should make them look bigger. But in the long run, who really cares? Believe me, there's nothing wrong with having small boobs. It just means you have less fat up there. Which is technically a pretty good thing. Good luck. :)--your small-breasted brethren
  • some people gain weight & put it all in their thighs, butts, stomach then booobs, they are the last ones so dont go gaining weight & still not achieving what you wanted in the first place
  • gain weight :) if you get up to 130-140 your boobs will be much larger :) along with your booty ;) women look better bigger

What is one thing I can do to help me lose weight?

I'm 17, and 6'3 and I weigh 230 lbs. I'm so tall you can't believe I'm not thin. I've never had support in anything I've done and losing weigh is a major thing I've never had any support. I used to be soo chubby and now I'm still overweight, just not where I want to be. I don't know how much I should weigh but I would love to be supermodel sexy...I'm a guy so what are some things I can do as a couch potato that I can do and then start an excerice routine in a step by step plan?

How to Lose Weight Drinking Water

Recommended Answer:

Watch your diet.Work out roughly how many calories you need to burn to functionGuy your age and height probably in region of 2300 caloriesThen get mental picture of what you eat.Read the labels.M

Is fasting the fastest way to lose weight?

I'm going to the gym daily and I watched a video that said fasting is how you maximize weight lost. if this is true how is it possible to fast if you come from a back round of heavy eating? like I tried to fast today I fasted from 3am too 3pm I ate a small chicken salad at 3 pm and I tried not to eat again until tomorrow. but at 7pm I seen a slice that of cake was calling my name and then it was all down hill from there I had a banana and a small bag of cheese doodles. please tell me if there is a better way then fasting if not can you tell me a better way to fasting?

How to Fast to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Ask yourself why you need to do it fast. The best way to lose weight is the same way you gained it. Slowly. Write down what you eat and the calories in it. Pick a certain number of day you will try to be within the calorie limits. Also I suggest making some rules like no food after 9pm or no candy in the house or no fried food. And also some exercise you plan to do every day.If you don't do well one day, you can penalize yourself one day. You will have to add one day to your number days being strict.I know a friend who says every 7 days you have to eat whatever you want all day. If your day is Tuesday but you have a birthday party on Monday and you decide you are going to eat cake, then make Monday your day and then the next day is 7 days later.

Other Answers:

  • Fasting is kind of extreme especially if you're not used to it.. It will help you lose weight at a short period of time but it might slow down your metabolism and you might lose your muscles (which helps your body burn fat).you can however, start by decreasing your calorie intake GRADUALLY and add a few more rounds of exercise GRADUALLY too.. there is no short cut in weight loss and even if you lose a lot of weight during fasting, you'll probably gain it back when the fast is over and it might not be healthy for you.. eat less carbs and more healthy protein from fish, chicken (not fired) and tofu. eat more fiber (fruits and vegetable) avoid sugar (dessert). you will lose weight but it takes a lot of patience. :)
  • Hi Buddy L,For me, fasting is not a good idea.I want to share with you this, 'Top 3 Most Common Reasons People Don't Lose Weight"Make sure you eat enough good food!

Can you gain muscle without supplement ?

Can you gain muscle fast without supplement ? All I want is whey protein but my parent won't let me get it . They think it not 'natural' . There no way they going to let me get it . I'm 15 . So how can you gain muscle fast without supplement ? If I eat a lot , I gain muscle faster but I also get fatter ( not to mention I have a belly right now ). And if I don't eat much , I'm not going to get muscle easy . How to approach this ? Oh and I have a belly , should I stop lifting weight and start to lose all that fat before I bulk up or what ? Help me

How to Lose Weight With Tea

Recommended Answer:

It is important to add mucle packing vitmens while working out- But it DOES NOT have to be in the form of a supplment. The main 6 foods that pack on mucle (and are good matoblism boosters) are: 1: Salmon 2. Boiled chicken breat3. Brocli4. Tuna5. Turkey brest (boiled ONLY!)6. BannaReduced fat milk + small amount of chocolate powder/syrup+1 table spoon of (ORGANIC!NATURAL) peanut butter= At home PRE-WORKOUT Protien shakeThese Are VITAL to packing on mucle NATURALLY and WITHOUT SUPPLMENTSSwich on and off with cardio and lifting days!

Other Answers:

  • Of course! Just eat protein rich foods. Plenty of meats, eggs, milk. If you're vegetarian, milk, beans, nuts and soy products are nice. I say focus on building muscle now. If you gain a significant amount of muscle, losing fat later, or while your building muscle, becomes easier.
  • Yes. At your age, your growth hormones are at or approaching their peak. You don't need synthetic help.Whey protein is just a byproduct of cheese manufacture. Its an expensive way to get the same protein you get in your normal food, unless you're on some wierd vegetarian diet.
  • You don't gain muscle with supplements. You have to work those muscles. Go hiking, biking, jogging, bowling, swimming, rowing, jump rope, play tennis, badminton, volleyball, soccer, jumping jacks, lift weights, trampoline? To tone your tummy, do sit ups, push ups, pull ups, leg lifts, butt raises and crunches.
  • In order to get rid of the belly, do LOTS of sit-ups and cardio (running, jumping jacks)In order to gain muscle mass, drink a lot of skim milk and eat foods that are high in protein and calcium (don't laugh, but peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are good for muscle building). Also order the tuna and roast beef sandwiches from Subway. AVOID that McDonald's garbage. Also, do lots of push-ups and curls with a dumb bell. Don't lift too much- proper form is much more important that the amount of weight you lift. Lift until you feel a burn in your biceps.

Help with calories an weight loss?

I'm a 14 year old girl and around 5'4 and weight about 123 pounds I want to know how many calories I should be consuming a day And how many if I'm trying to lose weight An I'm going to start going for walks so how long a day should I walk for? Does green tea real help weight loss? Sorry for all the questions

How to Run to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

First things first, 123 lbs is a perfectly normal weight for someone of your height. You're barely ten pounds over the cutoff for being underweight. Are you just squishier than you would like to be in places?If your high school has a weightlifting class, you should take it next semester. Lifting weights will help you build muscle and tone up those squishy parts. You won't get big and bulky, no worries about that--it is literally impossible for you to turn into the Hulk unless you start taking testosterone supplements and bucketfuls of steroids.For someone of your height, if you walk at a brisk pace for 20-30 minutes 7 days a week, ~2000 Calories per day will maintain your weight. You really don't need to, but if you want to lose weight, ~1700 Calories per day puts you at a deficit that should see you losing about a half-pound per week, which is reasonable considering you don't really have much to lose.Green tea "helps" in that it contains caffeine, which has an appetite-suppressant effect (as do all stimulants). It has negligible calories, though, so if you like green tea, feel free to drink as much of it as you want. Adding a sweetener or milk will add calories, though. I personally like hot green tea, but some people find it unpleasantly bitter.

How do I lose this really stubborn belly fat?

I've been exercising and trying really hard to diet for about a month now Everyday I get up and do some walking (every other day I jog) for about 30 mins and in the afternoon, i either do 40 mins of cardio or some weight training to tone my arms and legsI cut my carbs in half and eat more protein and vegetables and I have seen improvement all over my body, but my stomach fat is just so stubborn! What do I do? I get so frustrated because it looks so big but when i suck it in, it's only like 2 inches to lose, i don't get it. Should I cut down on the cardio and do situps or something? or continue the cardio and try to eat less? I eat about 1300 calories a dayPlease help

How to Lose Weight Fast With Yoga

Recommended Answer:

There are a lot of foods that have certain things in them. You don't need to worry about calories. They seriously don't matter in weight loss. It's certain types of fats and all that stuff. Google it all. No, don't cut cardio and do sit ups. That won't help a bit. Sit ups only help to build muscle, not lose fat. Cardio like jogging and walking is perfect for it but just go watch what you eat.

Other Answers:

  • The ONLY thing that worked for me was the Vibrational Foods Analysis. Belly fat and muffin top GONE in a matter of 2 weeks. It is all about identifying what is right for YOU, and it's done over the phone in about an hour. Getting in shape is 80% nutrition, 20% exercise. Good luck:-)
  • Everyone has a problem spot. It can be around the stomach, thighs, arms or chest. No matter where your trouble spot is, the solution is exactly the same. You need to eat less and exercise more. The reason why there's only one solution for all of these problems is because it's impossible to tell your body where to burn the excess fat from.When you eat too many calories, your body stores the excess energy as fat in different areas around the body. To lose this fat, you need to create a calorie deficit (eat less than you burn) to force your body to start burning that fat for energy. There is absolutely no way to control where your body goes to find this extra fat. A tool such as the calorie calculator - will help you figure out how many calories you need each day.The larger your calorie deficit (a bigger calorie deficit means a bigger difference between what you eat and what you burn) the faster your body will burn excess fat and the quicker your body fat percentage will start to decrease. You can increase your calorie deficit by cutting your daily intake and exercising more. Sit ups will do nothing to target the fat around your abs just like squats will do nothing to target the fat around your thighs.Reduce Body Fat Guide -

How can I lose 10 pounds in a week?

I want to eat as clean as possible, no meat or sugary drinks. Like, this is what I have planned. Steel cut oats made with organic unsweetened milk and a sliced banana on top plus cinnamon for breakfast. For lunch, a salad with nuts/seeds and some fruit on the side like a kiwi and 3 large strawberries? For an afternoon snack, an apple and for dinner, a half a cup of quinoa with 2 pieces of broccoli, 2 pieces of cauliflower, some carrots, a little red onion, some corn and green beans. Of course drinking 4-5 bottles of water through out the day and 30minutes of walking I'm only 13 but from what I read, this is extremely healthy. Do you think I'll lose ten pounds in a week? I really want to do it the healthy way, I don't want to starve myself or not be eating enough of the healthy foods. Do you have any other advice, tips? Thanksss.

How to Lose Weight Hiking

Recommended Answer:

eat heatlhy will increase our odds of losing weight. but my best advice is to not eat at night and ensure it's organic .. proper eating will not increase your waste line.. trust me i eat a lot and am still skinny

Other Answers:

  • Seriously, did you put on 10 lbs in a week? Well, you're not going to lose it either.4-5 weeks is a reasonable time to aim for a 10 pound loss.
  • Wrong section.But if you insist on getting help from us, here it is:you're 13!that is all
  • No
  • lift heavy weightsdo fast foodgo vegan
  • I suggest that you eat what is right for you. Right amount. Right and clean foods. You're still 13. Maybe additional workouts will do like push-ups and pull-ups. Try 25 each in 3 times.
  • drink water from glass. don't eat.

Effective tricks to loose 5-10 lbs this month?

I'm 5foot 7in and I weight 133 lbs(last time I check ive been trying not to constantly check the scale) I want to get down to 120 or 125, My legs carry most of my weight and I want them to have a slight gap. I need to know some good exercise/ dieting tricks that really will help, I try to run every night, I do marital arts 2 days a week, and im TRYING (not effectively) to stick to weight watchers. please if you have any tips let me know, I feel like the weight is just not coming off/

How to Lose Weight Drastically

Recommended Answer:

How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise 6,073 CommentsWritten by Tim Ferriss Topics: Physical Performance, The 4-Hour Body - 4HB, Uncategorized Fat Loss via Better Science and SimplicityIt is possible to lose 20 lbs. of bodyfat in 30 days by optimizing any of three factors: exercise, diet, or drug/supplement regimen. I've seen the elite implementation of all three in working with professional athletes. In this post, we'll explore what I refer to as the “slow-carb diet”.In the last six weeks, I have cut from about 180 lbs. to 165 lbs., while adding about 10 lbs. of muscle, which means I've lost about 25 lbs. of fat. This is the only diet besides the rather extreme Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD) that has produced veins across my abdomen, which is the last place I lose fat (damn you, Scandinavian genetics). Here are the four simple rules I followed… Rule #1: Avoid “white” carbohydratesAvoid any carbohydrate that is — or can be — white. The following foods are thus prohibited, except for within 1.5 hours of finishing a resistance-training workout of at least 20 minutes in length: bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, pasta, and fried food with breading. If you avoid eating anything white, you'll be safe.Rule #2: Eat the same few meals over and over againThe most successful dieters, regardless of whether their goal is muscle gain or fat loss, eat the same few meals over and over again. Mix and match, constructing each meal with one from each of the three following groups

Other Answers:

  • You dont need to lose weight. It will cause problems for you. You are ideal at the moment.
  • For weight loss, dieting is more effective than exercise.Reducing your intake of junk sugar will help as in items 22 and 106 in natural sugars in fruits are OK as they are metabolised to glucose slowly due to their high fiber content. Fruits are low in calories and are not fattening.Most fruits are metabolism boosting foods and most vegetables as well and that helps for weight loss.

8 Ways to Lose Weight

Are you tired of carrying around the extra pounds? Or do you want to shed extra weight once and for all? This article covers the basics including how to eat, exercise and stay motivated to lose weight. It also covers some specific diets that you may want to try in your journey to a smaller, healthier you.

  1. Keep your own personal food diary. People who keep food diaries, according to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, lose an average of 6 pounds (2.75 kg) more than people who don't keep a record of everything that they eat. So force yourself to write down the good, the bad and the ugly. Keep these tips in mind:
    • Be exhaustive. Write it all down, including beverages. Don't pretend you didn't have that extra glass of wine after dinner. If it goes into your stomach, it goes into the journal.
    • Be accurate. Record your portion sizes in your food diary. Also, read the ingredients list so that you can be accurate about serving sizes.
    • Be complete. Add detailed information about how your food was prepared (fried, boiled, grilled, etc.), and write down any added toppings or condiments that you ate.
    • Be consistent. Carry your food journal everywhere that you go. As an alternative, you can use a diet-tracking app on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Have a balanced diet. That means your diet should include appropriate amounts of food from all the food groups.
  3. Avoid skipping meals. The same study found that people who ate at least 3 meals per day lost more weight than people who didn't. The scientists speculate that people who skip meals either overeat at their next meals because they're so hungry, or their bodies absorb more calories because they're in starvation mode from skipping meals.
    • When you skip meals, your body stops breaking down fat and starts breaking down muscle tissue. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than other tissues, so you're actually working against your goals.
    • Make sure that you don't get hungry by eating small portions throughout the day. Between your meals, eat a 150-calorie snack to keep your metabolism burning and to stave off hunger. Be sure that you don't eat a fattening snack, such as sweets or crisps. When you're hungry, your body conserves calories and slows down your metabolic processes.
  4. Eat food from home. Sure, going out for a power lunch helps you to see and be seen, but researchers find that people who eat fewer meals from restaurants tend to lose more weight.
    • When you eat at a restaurant, you have limited control over your portions. As a result, you often eat more than you intended to eat. Try packing up half of it in advance and taking it home for tomorrow. Do this before you start eating so you're not tempted to finish your gigantic portion.
    • Ordering from a restaurant menu doesn't give you complete information about how your food is cooked or what ingredients are used. At home, you can substitute lower-calorie ingredients or make recipes over so that they still taste great while delivering healthier results.
  • After you exercise, drink lot of water. This will make you go to the washroom and flush all your worn out weight.
  • Quitting sugar alone can allow you to lose up to seven pounds (half a stone, 3.2k) per week!
  • Really do it, don't go back to your old ways again-or you'll gain back all the fat!
  • Everyone's body is different due to genetics and past/longtime fitness levels, etc. Do not try to have the samebody as anyone else. Your ultimate fitness goal should be to better improve the body you have. You would be amazed at how many people silently want your body while your wanting to look like someone else.
  • Don't eat at least an hour before you go to bed. Your body loses weight less at night because your body is resting, thereby not burning as much calories as in the daytime, when your moving around.
  • The best time to weigh is after you wake up and have used the restroom. (Before Breakfast).
  • Find exercise you enjoy so its not a job, don't deprive just control your treats, drink green tea sweetened with honey to boost metabolism and de-stress, eat calmly and slowly chewing and savouring the flavours, brush your teeth or chew gum after a meal to avoid eating more.
  • Feeling good isn't just about weight loss. People who lose weight often find themselves wanting to not only shed pounds but also to shed old habits and feelings. Listen to what your heart is telling you, and do the things that make you feel good about yourself. You are more than just a number on a scale.
  • Take a long relaxing walk in your favorite part of the day.
  • If you start gaining weight don't panic, it might be muscle weight.
  • Cut Soda. FOR GOOD.
  • Drink water before and after a snack or meal.
  • Don't start a weight loss journey alone. Find support from friends and family members who may also want to lose weight, or join a weight loss support group in your community. You can also find support in many online weight loss forums.
  • Instead of drinking 120-140 calorie milk, try 60-90 calorie almond milk.
  • Plan your meals ahead of time, this prevents the "in a pinch trip to fast food".
  • Do not drink concentrated juices.
  • [Weigh yourself daily and then average your weight over 7 days. Focus on creating a downward trend as opposed to losing a certain amount of weight per week. You may gain weight some weeks, especially if you're female (because of water retention related to your menstrual cycle), for reasons that have nothing to do with your healthier habits.
  • If you're breastfeeding, talk to your doctor before starting a weight loss program. Losing weight too quickly could cause you to produce less milk.
  • Do not starve yourself.
  • You don't need to lose weight if you're already in your healthy weight range. Embrace a realistic body and focus on health instead of on perfection.
  • Avoid losing more than 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kg) per week whenever possible. Faster weight loss may cause you to lose muscle mass instead of fat. Also, people have more difficulty maintaining rapid weight loss over the long term.